Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Cutler, A.: Spoken word recognition and production. In: Speech, language and communication, pp. 97 - 136 (Eds. Miller, J. L.; Eimas, P. D.). Academic Press, New York (1995)
Book Chapter
Cutler, A.: Spoken-word recognition. In: European studies in phonetics and speech communication, pp. 66 - 71 (Eds. Bloothooft, G.; Hazan, V.; Hubert, D.; Llisterri, J.). OTS, Utrecht (1995)
Book Chapter
Cutler, A.: The perception of rhythm in spoken and written language. In: Cognition on cognition, pp. 283 - 288 (Eds. Mehler, J.; Franck, S.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1995)
Book Chapter
Cutler, A.; McQueen, J. M.: The recognition of lexical units in speech. In: Speech and reading: A comparative approach, pp. 33 - 47 (Eds. De Gelder, B.; Morais, J.). Erlbaum, Hove, UK (1995)
Book Chapter
Danziger, E.: Posture verb survey. In: Extensions of space and beyond: manual for field elicitation for the 1995 field season, pp. 33 - 34 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1995)
Book Chapter
Danziger, E.: Intransitive predicate form class survey. In: Extensions of space and beyond: manual for field elicitation for the 1995 field season, pp. 46 - 53 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1995)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.: Wat zijn woorden en waar vinden we ze in ons brein? In: Dyslexie: Foutloos spellen alleen weggelegd voor gestoorden?, pp. 37 - 46 (Eds. Marani, E.; Lanser, J.B.K.). Boerhaave Commissie voor Postacademisch Onderwijs in de Geneeskunde, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Leiden (1995)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.; Brown, C. M.: Electrophysiological insights into language and speech processing. In: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: ICPhS 95: Stockholm, Sweden, 13-19 August, 1995, pp. 172 - 178 (Eds. Elenius, K.; Branderud, P.). Stockholm University, Stockholm (1995)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.; Kutas, M.: Electrophysiological insights into language deficits. In: Handbook of neuropsychology: Vol. 10, pp. 105 - 134 (Eds. Boller, F.; Grafman, J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1995)
Book Chapter
Keating, E.: Pilot questionnaire to investigate social uses of space, especially as related to 1) linguistic practices and 2) social organization. In: Extensions of space and beyond: manual for field elicitation for the 1995 field season, pp. 17 - 21 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1995)
Book Chapter
Kita, S.: Enter/exit animation for linguistic elicitation. In: Extensions of space and beyond: manual for field elicitation for the 1995 field season, p. 13 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1995)
Book Chapter
Kita, S.: Recommendations for data collection for gesture studies. In: Extensions of space and beyond: manual for field elicitation for the 1995 field season, pp. 35 - 45 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1995)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Frame of analysis. In: The acquisition of temporality in a second language, pp. 17 - 29 (Eds. Dietrich, R.; Klein, W.; Noyau, C.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1995)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: The acquisition of English. In: The acquisition of temporality in a second language, pp. 31 - 70 (Eds. Dietrich, R.; Klein, W.; Noyau, C.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1995)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Sprachverhalten. In: Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, pp. 469 - 505 (Eds. Amelang, M.; Pawlik). Hogrefe, Göttingen (1995)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Coenen, J.; Van Helvert, K.; Hendriks, H.: The acquisition of Dutch. In: The acquisition of temporality in a second language, pp. 117 - 143 (Eds. Dietrich, R.; Klein, W.; Noyau, C.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1995)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Dietrich, R.; Noyau, C.: Conclusions. In: The acquisition of temporality in a second language, pp. 261 - 280 (Eds. Dietrich, R.; Klein, W.; Noyau, C.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1995)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Psycholinguistics. In: Cognitive psychology, reprint Ed., pp. 39 - 57 (Eds. French , C. C.; Colman, A. M.). Longman, London (1995)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Chapters of psychology: An interview with Wilhelm Wundt. In: The science of mind: 2001 and beyond, pp. 184 - 202 (Eds. Solso, R. L.; Massaro, D. W.). Oxford University Press (1995)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.; Ruijssenaars, A.J.J.M.: Levensbericht Johan Joseph Dumont. In: Jaarboek Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, pp. 31 - 36 (1995)
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