Book Chapter (98)
Book Chapter
Mulitphoton Entanglement. In: Quantum Information Processing, pp. 292 - 300 (Eds. Leuchs, G.; Beth, T.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2003)
Book Chapter
Quantum Information Processing with Ions Deterministically Coupled to an Optical Cavity. In: Quantum Information Processing, pp. 168 - 181 (Eds. Beth, T.; Leuchs, G.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2003)
Book Chapter
Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity Systems. In: Quantum Information Processing, pp. 182 - 195 (Eds. Beth, T.; Leuchs, G.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2003)
Book Chapter
Filtering Slow Polar Molecules from a Thermal Gas. In: Interactions in Ultracold Gases: From Atoms to Molecules, pp. 477 - 483 (Eds. Weidemüller, M.; Zimemrmann, C.). Wiley-VCH, Berlin (2003)
Book Chapter
Single atoms and single photons in cavity quantum electrodynamics. In: Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, pp. 241 - 248 (Eds. Eberly, J. H.; Bigelow, N.; Wolf, E.). Plenum Press, New York (2003)
Book Chapter
Interference Coatings for Ultrafast Optics. In: Optical Interference Coatings, pp. 393 - 422 (Eds. Kaiser, N.; Pulker, H. K.). Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
Book Chapter
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics. In: Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, pp. 220 - 229 (Ed. Driggers, R. G.). Marcel Dekker, New York (2003)
Book Chapter
Above-threshold ionization: From classical features to quantum effects. In: ADVANCES IN ATOMIC, MOLECULAR, AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, VOL 48, pp. 35 - 98 (Eds. Bederson, B.; Walther, H.). ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO (2002)
Book Chapter
Communicating with Qubit Pairs. In: Mathematics of Quantum Computation, pp. 359 - 401 (Eds. Brylinski, R.; Chen, G.). CRC Press, Boca Raton (2002)
Book Chapter
Quantum Information: Entanglement, Purification, Error Correction, and Quantum Optical Implementations. In: Fundamentals of Quantum Information - Quantum computation, Communication, Decoherence and All That, pp. 199 - 239 (Ed. Heiss, D.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Kinematics of qubit pairs. In: Mathematics of Quantum Computation, pp. 25 - 75 (Eds. Brylinski, R. K.; Chen, G.). CRC Press, Boca Raton (2002)
Book Chapter
Five Lectures on Dissipative Master Equations. In: Coherent Evolution in Noisy Environments, pp. 55 - 106 (Eds. Buchleitner, A.; Hornberger, K.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Small Molecules in Intense Laser Fields - Dissociation and Stabilisation. In: Laser Physics at the Limits, pp. 395 - 408 (Eds. Figger, H.; Meschede, D.; Zimmermann, C.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Probing an Optical Field with Atomic Resolution. In: Laser Physics at the Limits, pp. 225 - 232 (Eds. Figger, H.; Meschede, D.; Zimmermann, C.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Räderwerke für optische Uhren. In: Von Zwergen und Quanten - Struktur und Technik des Kleinsten, pp. 63 - 71 (Ed. Deutsches Museum, München). Kosmos, Stuttgart (2002)
Book Chapter
Ultrafast Mode-locked Lasers for the Measurement of Laser Frequencies and as Optical Clockworks. In: International Trends in Applied Optics, pp. 23 - 43 (Ed. Guenther, A. H.). SPIE, Bellingham (2002)
Book Chapter
Single atoms moving in a high-finesse cavity. In: Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopies, pp. 255 - 295 (Eds. van Zee, R. D.; Looney, J. P.). Academic Press, San Diego (2002)
Book Chapter
Atomic Looping. In: Laser Physics at the Limits, pp. 471 - 475 (Eds. Figger, H.; Meschede, D.; Zimmermann, C.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Quantenphysik am absoluten Nullpunkt: Vom Atom-Photon Molekül zum Bose-Einstein Kondensat. In: Von Zwergen und Quanten - Struktur und Technik des Kleinsten, pp. 40 - 62 (Eds. Weitze, M.-D.; Deutsches Museum, München). Kosmos, Stuttgart (2002)
Book Chapter
Verschränkte Quantensysteme: Vom Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus zur Einzel-Photonen-Lichtquelle. In: Verschränkte Welt, pp. 95 - 118 (Ed. Audretsch, J.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2002)