Working Paper (120)

Working Paper
Dash, A.; Chakraborty, A.; Ghosh, S.; Mukherjee, A.; Frankenreiter, J.; Bechtold, S.; Gummadi, K.: Antitrust, Amazon, and Algorithmic Auditing. (2024), 27 pp.
Working Paper
Denny, P.; Gulwani, S.; Heffernan, N. T.; Käser, T.; Moore, S.; Rafferty, A. N.; Singla, A.: Generative AI for Education (GAIED): Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges. (2024), 10 pp.
Working Paper
Denny, P.; Gulwani, S.; Heffernan, N. T.; Käser, T.; Moore, S.; Rafferty, A. N.; Singla, A.: Generative AI for Education (GAIED): Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges. (2024), 10 pp.
Working Paper
Jindal, G.; Ouaknine, J.: On the Counting Complexity of the Skolem Problem. (2024), 12 pp.
Working Paper
Karimov, T.; Kelmendi, E.; Ouaknine, J.; Worrell, J.: Multiple Reachability in Linear Dynamical Systems. (2024), 30 pp.
Working Paper
Mandal, D.; Nika, A.; Kamalaruban, P.; Singla, A.; Radanović, G.: Corruption Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback. (2024), 46 pp.
Working Paper
Anand, A.; Nayak, S. P.; Schmuck, A.-K.: Contract-Based Distributed Synthesis in Two-Objective Parity Games. (2023), 50 pp.
Working Paper
Anand, A.; Zetzsche, G.: Priority Downward Closures. (2023), 25 pp.
Working Paper
Baumann, P.; D'Alessandro, F.; Ganardi, M.; Ibarra, O.; McQuillan, I.; Schütze, L.; Zetzsche, G.: Unboundedness Problems for Machines with Reversal-bounded Counters. (2023), 33 pp.
Working Paper
Berthé, V.; Karimov, T.; Ouaknine, J.; Vahanwala, M.; Worrell, J.: The Monadic Theory of Toric Words. (2023), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Eniser, H. F.; Wüstholz, V.; Christakis, M.: Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models. (2023), 13 pp.
Working Paper
Francis, P.; Berneanu, C.; Gashi, E.: SynDiffix: More accurate synthetic structured data. (2023), 14 pp.
Working Paper
Gan, J.; Majumdar, R.; Mandal, D.; Radanovic, G.: Sequential Principal-Agent Problems with Communication: Efficient Computation and Learning. (2023), 15 pp.
Working Paper
Ghahremani, F.; Kelmendi, E.; Ouaknine, J.: Reachability in Injective Piecewise Affine Maps. (2023), 22 pp.
Working Paper
Goetzen, A.; Wang, R.; Redmiles, E. M.; Zannettou, S.; Ayalon, O.: Likes and Fragments: Examining Perceptions of Time Spent on TikTok. (2023), 11 pp.
Working Paper
Kolling, C.; Speicher, T.; Nanda, V.; Toneva, M.; Gummadi, K.: Pointwise Representational Similarity. (2023), 33 pp.
Working Paper
Luca, F.; Maynard, J.; Noubissie, A.; Ouaknine, J.; Worrell, J.: Skolem Meets Bateman-Horn. (2023), 14 pp.
Working Paper
Luca, F.; Ouaknine, J.; Worrell, J.: Transcendence of Sturmian Numbers over an Algebraic Base. (2023), 8 pp.
Working Paper
Messias, J.; Pahari, V.; Chandrasekaran, B.; Gummadi, K.; Loiseau, P.: Understanding Blockchain Governance: Analyzing Decentralized Voting to Amend DeFi Smart Contracts. (2023), 20 pp.
Working Paper
Michelmann, S.; Kumar, M.; Norman, K. A.; Toneva, M.: Large Language Models can Segment Narrative Events Similarly to Humans. (2023), 15 pp.
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