Contribution to a Collected edition (176)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Navarro, A.: El concepto de beneficiario efectivo en España tras los casos daneses (The Concept of Beneficial Ownership in Spain after the Danish Cases). In: Cuestiones actuales y conflictivas de la fiscalidad internacional, pp. 163 - 206 (Ed. Merino Jara, I.). CISS, Madrid (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Navarro, A.: Tax Policy Considerations on the Abandonment of the Brazilian Fixed Margins Regime. In: Tributação internacional e recuperação econômica: o papel dos países emergentes, pp. 173 - 186 (Eds. Schoueri, L. E.; Neto, L. F.; da Silveira, R. M.). IBDT, São Paulo (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schön, W.: Fiscal Challenges to Democracy. In: History and Taxation, pp. 101 - 125 (Ed. Essers, P. H. J.). IBFD, Amsterdam (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bender, P.: Límites a la personalización del derecho supletorio. In: Neurociencias y Derecho 2, pp. 139 - 155 (Ed. Pastor, D.). Hammurabi, Buenos Aires (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Escribano, E.; Navarro, A.: Spain. In: Taxation and Value Creation: EATLP Annual Congress Vienna 18-20 June 2020, pp. 529 - 548 (Ed. Haslehner, W.). IBFD, Amsterdam (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Grigoleit, H. C.; Bender, P.: The Law Between Generality and Particularity. Chances and Limits of Personalized Law. In: Algorithmic Regulation and Personalized Law, pp. 115 - 136 (Ed. Busch, C.). Beck, München (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Konrad, K. A.; Kunter, M.; Tonzer, L.: Protecting our people and economy in the long term. In: COVID-19 and lessons learned – Preparing for future pandemics, pp. 10 - 13 (Ed. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schön, W.: Value Creation, the Benefit Principle and Efficiency-Related Allocation of Taxing Rights. In: Taxation and Value Creation, pp. 155 - 169 (Eds. Haslehner, W.; Lamensch, M.). IBFD, Amsterdam (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schön, W.: State Aid in the Area of Taxation. In: EU State Aids, 6 Ed., pp. 431 - 490 (Eds. Hancher, L.; Salerno, F. M.; de Vries, Y.). Sweet & Maxwell, London (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schön, W.: Fehlt eine Weltregierung? In: Neue Konstellationen der Gegenwart: Annäherungen, Institutionen und Legitimität, pp. 129 - 138 (Ed. Flick, C. M.). Wallstein, Göttingen (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bender, P.: Grenzen der Personalisierung des dispositiven Rechts. In: Privatrecht 2050 - Blick in die digitale Zukunft, pp. 33 - 61 (Eds. Beyer, E.; Erler, K.; Hartmann, C.; Kramme, M.; Müller, M. F. et al.). Nomos, Baden-Baden (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Fleckner, A. M.: Roman Business Associations. In: Roman Law and Economics, Vol. 1, pp. 233 - 272 (Eds. Dari-Mattiacci, G.; Kehoe, D. P.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Geys, B.; Konrad, K. A.: Patriotism and taxation. In: Handbook of patriotism, pp. 801 - 818 (Ed. Sardoč, M.). Springer, Cham (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Heber, C.: Input VAT Deduction. In: CJEU - Recent Developments in Value Added Tax 2019, pp. 245 - 265 (Eds. Kofler, G.; Lang, M.; Pistone, P.; Rust, A.; Schuch, J. et al.). Linde, Wien (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Lind, Y.: Political (Tax) Equity in a Global Context as a Part of Social Sustainability: Some Guidance for Researchers Who Wish to Explore Democratic Implications on Tax and Spending Decisions. In: Tax Sustainability in an EU and International Context, pp. 175 - 189 (Eds. Brokelind, C.; van Thiel, S.). IBFD, Amsterdam (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Lind, Y.: A Critical Analysis of How Formal and Informal Citizenships Influence Justice between Mobile Taxpayers. In: Tax Justice and Tax Law: Understanding Unfairness in Tax Systems, pp. 117 - 132 (Eds. De Coogan, D.; Harris, P.). Hart Publishing, Oxford (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Navarro Ibarrola, A.: Transfer Pricing. In: Research Handbook on International Taxation, pp. 97 - 119 (Ed. Brauner, Y.). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Navarro Ibarrola, A.; Báez Moreno, A.: Spain. In: Corporate Taxation, Group Debt Funding and Base Erosion: New Perspectives on the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, pp. 111 - 138 (Eds. Bizioli, G.; Grandinetti, M.; Parada, L.; Vanz, G.; Vicini Ronchetti, A.). Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Pröbstl, J.: The Quest for a Common Fiscal Response to Fight COVID-19. In: Covid-19 and Business Law, pp. 91 - 94 (Eds. Eidenmüller, H.; Enriques, L.; Helleringer, G.). C.H. Beck, München (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Riccardi Sacchi, A. L.: Controlled Foreign Company Legislation in Uruguay. In: Controlled Foreign Company Legislation, pp. 859 - 874 (Eds. Kofler, G.; Krever, R.; Lang, M.; Owens, J.; Pistone, P. et al.). IBFD, Amsterdam (2020)
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