Book Chapter (155)

Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Aghababyan, K.: Emberiza hortulana Ortolan Bunting. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 866 - 867 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Aghababyan, K.: Emberiza melanocephala Black-headed Bunting. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 866 - 867 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Franch, M.: Apendix 1 (b): Native species recorded or mentioned in EBBA1 but not recorded in EBBA2. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 883 - 884 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Franch, M.: Apendix 1: Rare species. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 881 - 883 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Franch, M.: Appendix 2: Rare non-native species recorded during EBBA2. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 884 - 909 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Klaus, S.: Tetraogallus caspius Caspian Snowcock. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 72 - 72 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Ottens, G.: Branta hutchinsii Cackling Goose. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 105 - 105 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.; Shitikov, D.A.: Iduna caligata Booted Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 606 - 606 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Boston, E. S. M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Ruczynski, I.: Leisler’s Noctule Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1817). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (Eds. Hackländer, K.; Zachos, F. E.). Springer, Cham (2020)
Book Chapter
Boston, E. S. M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Ruczynski, I.: Leisler's Noctule Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1817). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe - Chiroptera (Eds. Hackländer, K.; Zachos, F. E.). Springer, Cham (2020)
Book Chapter
Braun, M.P.; Bauer, H.-G.: Psittacula eupatria Alexandrine Parakeet. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 532 - 532 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Dechmann, D. K. N.; Ruczynski, I.: Azorean bat Nyctalus azoreum (Thomas, 1901). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe - Chiroptera (Ed. Hackländer, K.). Springer, cham (2020)
Book Chapter
Herrando, S.; Milanesi, P.; Brotons, L.; Franch, M.; Bauer, H.-G.; Villero, D.; Mor´n-Ordónez, A.; Kéry, M.; Vořížek, P.; Keller, V.: Methods. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 23 - 39 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Javakhishvili, Z.; Bauer, H.-G.: Carpodacus rubicilla Great Rosefinch. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 826 - 826 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Javakhishvili, Z.; Bauer, H.-G.: Phoenicurus erythrogastrus White-winged Redstart. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 752 - 752 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Bauer, H.-G.; Eaton, M.; al., e.: Patterns of distribution and change. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, pp. 42 - 65 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Klaus, S.; Bauer, H.-G.: Tetraogallus caucasicus Caucasian Snowcock. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 72 - 72 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Klaus, S.; Bauer, H.-G.: Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi Caucasian Black Grouse. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 96 - 96 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Ottens, G.; Bauer, H.-G.: Estrilda astrild Common Waxbill. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, p. 781 - 781 (Eds. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Book Chapter
Janmaat, K. R. L.; Byrne, R. W.: Why Taï mangabeys do not use tools to crack nuts like sympatric-living chimpanzees: A cognitive limitation on monkey feeding ecology. In: The chimpanzees of the Taï forest: 40 years of research, pp. 261 - 271 (Eds. Boesch, C.; Wittig, R. M.). Cambridge University Press (2019)