Journal Article (1699)

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Bade, S.: Random Serial Dictatorship: The One and Only. Mathematics of Operations Research 45 (1) (2019)
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Balafoutas, L.; Sutter, M.: How uncertainty and ambiguity in tournaments affect gender differences in competitive behavior. European Economic Review 118, pp. 1 - 13 (2019)
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Bigoni, M.; Bortolotti, S.; Casari, M.; Gambetta, D.: At the Root of the North-South Cooperation Gap in Italy: Preferences or Beliefs? Economic Journal 129 (619), pp. 1139 - 1152 (2019)
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Boosey, L.; Brookins, P.; Ryvkin, D.: Contests between groups of unknown size. Games and Economic Behavior 113, pp. 756 - 769 (2019)
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Cerrone, C.; Engel, C.: Deciding on Behalf of Others Does Not Mitigate Selfishness: An Experiment. Economics Letters 183, 108616 (2019)
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Chlaß, N.; Güth, W.; Miettinnen, T.: Purely procedural preferences - Beyond procedural equity and reciprocity. European Journal of Political Economy 59, pp. 108 - 128 (2019)
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Crosetto, P.; Weisel, O.; Winter, F.: A flexible z-Tree and oTree implementation of the Social Value Orientation Slider Measure. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 23, pp. 46 - 53 (2019)
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Engel, C.; Kirchkamp, O.: How to Deal with Inconsistent Choices on Multiple Price Lists. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 160, pp. 138 - 197 (2019)
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Engel, C.: The accuracy–discrimination trade-off. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 175 (1), pp. 123 - 125 (2019)
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Fehr, D.; Heinemann, F.; Llorente-Saguer, A.: The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics 103, pp. 123 - 136 (2019)
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Fehr, D.; Sutter, M.: Gossip and the efficiency of interactions. Games and Economic Behavior 113, pp. 448 - 460 (2019)
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Frankenreiter, J.; Bechtold, S.; Klerman, D.: Forum Selling Abroad. Southern California Law Review 93 (3), pp. 487 - 559 (2019)
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Frankenreiter, J.: The Limits of Smart Contracts. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 175 (1), pp. 149 - 162 (2019)
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Geissner, E.; Knechtl, L. M.; Baumert, A.; Rothmund, T.; Schmitt, M.: Schulderleben bei Zwangspatienten. Verhaltenstherapie (2019)
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Glaser, M.; Iliewa, Z.; Martin, W.: Thinking about Prices versus Thinking about Returns in Financial Markets. Journal of Finance 74 (6), pp. 2997 - 3039 (2019)
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Glaser, F.; Iliewa, Z.; Jung, D.; Weber, M.: Towards designing robo-advisors for unexperienced investors with experience sampling of time-series data. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 29, pp. 133 - 138 (2019)
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Goerg, S.; Kube, S.; Radbruch, J.: The Effectiveness of Incentive Schemes in the Presence of Implicit Effort Costs. Management Science 65 (9), pp. 4063 - 4078 (2019)
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Güth, W.; Pull, K.; Stadler, M.; Zaby, A.: Compulsory Disclosure of Private Information: Theoretical and Experimental Results for the Acquiring-a-Company Game. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 175 (3), pp. 502 - 523 (2019)
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Güth, W.; Stadler, M.; Zaby, A.: Coordination Failure in Capacity-then-Price-Setting Games. Homo Oeconomicus 36, pp. 111 - 133 (2019)
Journal Article
Halmburger, A.; Baumert, A.; Rothmund, T.: Seen one, seen ‘em all? Do reports about law violations of a single politician impair the perceived trustworthiness of politicians in general and of the political system? Journal of Social and Political Psychology 7, pp. 448 - 477 (2019)
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