Journal Article (1699)

Journal Article
Sutter, M.: Mobilität neu denken. Die Volkswirtschaft. Plattform für Wirtschaftspolitik 91 (10), pp. 20 - 23 (2018)
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Sutter, M.; Angerer, S.; Glätzle-Rützler, D.; Lergetporer, P.: Language group differences in time preferences: Evidence from primary school children in a bilingual city. European Economic Review 106, pp. 21 - 34 (2018)
Journal Article
Sutter, M.; Feri, F.; Glätzle-Rützler, D.; Kocher, M.; Martinsson, P.; Nordblom, K.: Social preferences in childhood and adolescence: A large-scale experiment to estimate primary and secondary motivations. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 146, pp. 16 - 30 (2018)
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Traxler, C.; Westermeier, F. G.; Wohlschlegel, A.: Bunching on the Autobahn? Speeding responses to a 'notched' penalty scheme. Journal of Public Economics 157, pp. 78 - 94 (2018)
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Winter, F.; Rauhut, H.; Miller, L.: Dynamic Bargaining and Normative Conflict. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 74, pp. 112 - 126 (2018)
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Winter, F.; Zhang, N.: Social Norm Enforcement in Ethnically-Diverse Communities. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (11), pp. 2722 - 2727 (2018)
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Zhang, N.: Institutions, Norms, and Accountability: A Corruption Experiment with Northern and Southern Italians. Journal of Experimental Political Science 5 (1), pp. 11 - 25 (2018)
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Klein, S. A.; Hilbig, B. E.; Heck, D. W.: Which is the greater good? A social dilemma paradigm disentangling environmentalism and cooperation. Journal of Environmental Psychology 53, pp. 40 - 49 (2017)
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Robalo, P.; Schram, A.; Sonnemans, J.: Other-regarding Preferences, Group Identity and Political Participation: An Experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology 62, pp. 130 - 154 (2017)
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Alberti, F.; Fischer, S.; Güth, W.; Tsutsui, K.: Concession Bargaining – An Experimental Comparison of Protocols and Time Horizons. The Journal of Conflict Resolution 62 (9), pp. 2017 - 2039 (2017)
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Anderberg, D.; Cerrone, C.: Investment in education under disappointment aversion. Economics Bulletin 37 (3), pp. 1533 - 1540 (2017)
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Angerer, S.; Dutcher, E. G.; Glätzle-Rützler, D.; Lergetporer, P.; Sutter, M.: Gender differences in discrimination emerge early in life: Evidence from primary school children in a bilingual city. Economics Letters 152, pp. 15 - 18 (2017)
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Avrahami, J.; Güth, W.; Kareev, Y.; Uske, T.: On the Incentive Effects of Sample Size in Monitoring Agents - A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. German Economic Review 18 (1), pp. 91 - 98 (2017)
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Bachi, B.: Buridanic competition. Games and Economic Behavior 107, pp. 298 - 315 (2017)
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Balafoutas, L.; Kerschbamer, R.; Sutter, M.: Second degree moral hazard in a credence goods market. Economic Journal 127 (599), pp. 1 - 8 (2017)
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Balafoutas, L.; Sutter, M.: On the nature of guilt aversion: Insights from a new methodology in the dictator game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 13 (1), pp. 9 - 15 (2017)
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Bassarek, C.; Leib, M.; Mischkowski, D.; Strang, S.; Glöckner, A.; Shalvi, S.: What provides justification for cheating – producing or observing counterfactuals? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (4), pp. 964 - 975 (2017)
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Baumert, A.; Schmitt, M.; Perugini, M.; Johnson, W.; Blum, G.; Wrzus, C.: Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development. European Journal of Personality 31, pp. 503 - 528 (2017)
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