Journal Article (2251)

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Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Schaible, U. E.: A dangerous liaison between two major killers: Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV target dendritic cells through DC-SIGN. Journal of Experimental Medicine 197 (1), pp. 1 - 5 (2003)
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Hakenberg, J.; Nussbaum, A. K.; Schild, H.; Rammensee, H.-G.; Kuttler, C.; Holzhütter, H.-G.; Kloetzel, P.-M.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Mollenkopf, H. J.: MAPPP: MHC class I antigenic peptide processing prediction. Applied Bioinformatics 2 (3), pp. 155 - 158 (2003)
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