Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

The name suggests a very broad field: The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. And indeed, the researchers in Garching do study all sorts of objects outside the Earth – but they do set priorities. They investigate our Milky Way, and discovered a few years ago that its centre harbours a gigantic black hole - for this discovery director Reinhard Genzel received the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics. They investigate the physics and dynamics of the interstellar matter, the development of galaxies as well as the black holes at their centres, and they engage in "astrochemical studies". What’s special: the scientists use the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum, working both with telescopes for visible and infrared light and with satellites that observe the Universe in X-rays or gamma-rays. The Institute develops sophisticated instruments and cameras for these observatories to provide new insights into the “extraterrestrial world”.


85748 Garching
Phone: +49 89 30000-0
Fax: +49 89 30000-3569

PhD opportunities

This institute has an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS):

IMPRS on Astrophysics

In addition, there is the possibility of individual doctoral research. Please contact the directors or research group leaders at the Institute.

Department Optical and interpretive astronomy


Department Center for Astrochemical Studies


Department Infrared and sub-millimetre astronomy


Department High-energy astrophysics

Delegation of seven individuals stands in front of a large observatory structure.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier and a delegation visit some of the largest astronomical observatories threatened by a planned industrial plant on the Chilean coast

yellow-white diffuse dots and spots on black background

Data from the former ROSAT X-ray satellite have revealed a network of 68 galaxy clusters in the nearby universe, stretching over 1.4 billion light-years. 

A multitude of white-yellowish roundish spots with halos sitting in a larger black spot against a grey background

New scientific data from the Euclid Space Telescope reveals the mystery of the faint glow in the Perseus galaxy cluster

Section of a circle with a band of gray and white streaks at the equator and a multitude of red and blue circles above and below it

Results from the first X-ray sky survey resolve the previous inconsistency between competing measurements of the structure of the Universe

Two adjacent and slightly overlapping circles, left with diffuse orange-brownish structures, right with scattered white dots

First eROSITA sky-survey data release makes public the largest ever catalogue of high-energy cosmic sources

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Interstellar clouds of gas and dust – these are the birthplaces of stars and planets. To understand what exactly happens inside these clouds, a group led by Silvia Spezzano at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching near Munich is observing different molecules in the clouds and simulating the interstellar chemistry in a laboratory. Their work provides insights into how conditions conducive to the development of life arise within solar systems.

Sitting deep in the heart of the Milky Way, it is 27,000 light years from Earth and resembles a donut: this is how the black hole at the center of our galaxy looks in the image obtained by researchers using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

Stars cluster in galaxies of dramatically different shapes and sizes: elliptical galaxies, spheroidal galaxies, lenticular galaxies, spiral galaxies, and occasionally even irregular galaxies. Nadine Neumayer at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg and Ralf Bender at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching investigate the reasons for this diversity. They have already identified one crucial factor: dark matter.

Reinhard Genzel

MaxPlanckResearch 3/2020 Nobel Prize in Physics 2020

The Director at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research on black holes, in particular for the detection of the supermassive black hole that resides at the heart of our Milky Way. Reinhard Genzel shares the prize with Andrea Ghez and Roger Penrose.

Postdoctoral position (m/f/d) | Modeling cosmic-ray-driven processes in molecular clouds

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching January 22, 2025

Successful take-off of the Euclid Mission

2024 Bender, Ralf;  Fabricius, Maximilian; Grupp, Frank; Saglia, Roberto; Sanchez, Ariel 

Astronomy Astrophysics

Dark matter and dark energy account for 95% of the matter-energy content of the universe, but they are still enigmatic. The ESA mission Euclid is the first space mission to investigate the space-time evolution of these two major components of the universe. To this end, the parameters of 1.5 billion galaxies in up to 10 billion light years distance will be measured at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The large-scale distribution of galaxies and their gravitational lensing effect on background galaxies will provide direct clues to the nature of dark matter and dark energy.


Vela Jr. supernova remnant: a new picture with the eyes of eROSITA

2023 Camilloni, Francesco

Astronomy Astrophysics

Supernova remnants are what is left after a star explodes: a good part of their emission happens in radio and in X-rays. Here we present the analysis of Vela Jr, carried out with the X-ray all-sky survey dataset provided by the MPE-led mission eROSITA. This dataset allows to image the entire remnant for the first time after the ROSAT mission launched in 1990. We find the spectrum of Vela Jr is featureless and we provide a new measurement for the geometric center. We investigate also the NW rim of the remnant, where particle acceleration is supposed to take place, a process still poorly known.


Nothing but a Black Hole

2022 Stefan Gillessen, Frank Eisenhauer, Reinhard Genzel

Astronomy Astrophysics

The discovery of the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way was honored in 2020 with the Nobel prize. Yet, our research nowadays goes way beyond the discovery. We don’t ask anymore whether the black hole exists, rather we use it to conduct physics experiments in the sky. It is perfect laboratory, located at a mere 26.000 light years in our cosmic backyard. This allows for breath-taking precision measurements that not only test Einstein’s theory of general relativity, but that even reveal that beyond the black hole, not much more matter can hide in the Milky Way center.


A new way to feed baby stars

2021  Pineda, Jaime E.; Caselli, Paola

Astronomy Astrophysics Complex Systems

For the first time, we have observed a conveyor belt from the outskirts of a star-forming dense cloud directly depositing material near a pair of young forming stars. The gas motions in the conveyor belt, dubbed a 'streamer', mainly obey the gravitational pull from the innermost part of the core. The streamer delivers a large amount of gas with chemicals recently produced in the larger mother cloud directly to the young protostars. These results are striking evidence that the large-scale environment around forming stars has an important influence on small-scale disk formation and evolution.


Holm 15A and the most massive black hole in the local universe

2020 Kianusch Mehrgan, Jens Thomas

Astronomy Astrophysics

Which galaxies harbour the most massive black holes? Even though galaxies tend to get more luminous towards their centres, the most massive galaxies exhibit a deficit of stars in their centres. The giant galaxy Holm 15A exhibits a particularly large deficit, and in this galaxy, we found a 40-billion-solar-mass black hole – the most massive known today. The faint centres of giant galaxies thus are an important indicator for the mass of their black hole – potentially even at distances, where direct measurements are not possible today.

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