FAQ: How to apply for Max Planck Research Group Leader Positions – Open Topic Call 2024

Max Planck Research Groups (MPRG) are smaller, independent research units, often supplementing departments at Max Planck Institutes (MPI). The groups offer early career researchers who hold a doctorate an exceptional opportunity to further qualify themselves on a very high level. On this page you find the most frequently asked questions about how to apply for the position of MPRG Leader.



1. What is a Max Planck Research Group? 

Max Planck Research Groups are small, independent research units, hosted at Max-Planck Institutes. The groups offer early to mid-career researchers who hold a doctorate an exceptional opportunity to start or accelerate their independent career with their own budget and personnel responsibility and to gain further qualifications at a very high level.

2. What is the difference between the centrally announced Max Planck Research Groups and institute-specific Max Planck Research Groups? 

Centrally announced Max Planck Research Group Leader Positions (as is the case for this call) have a term of six years (with the possibility of a one-time extension of up to three additional years). These positions are not linked to specific research topics predetermined by a MPI. Instead, applicants propose their own individual research project and name the institute(s) at which they would like to work. The call for applications is usually announced by the MPG headquarters once a year.

Institute-specific Max Planck Research Group Leader Positions have a term of six years (with the possibility of a one-time extension of up to three additional years). Usually, the positions relate to a particular research field selected by the MPI where the group is located. The availability of institute-specific MPRG Leader positions depends on the resources and space available at the respective MPI. These opportunities, when available, are advertised by the institutes themselves.

3. What does the funding package include? 

MPRG Leaders are offered internationally competitive packages for personnel, equipment, and yearly operating costs. The group leader’s salary (German W2) is similar to that of an assistant or non-tenured associate professorship in the United States. The total funding corresponds to the level of top-tier, international career development programmes and amounts to up to 2.7 million euros (for the initial six years). Furthermore, MPRG Leaders are bestowed a great deal of individual flexibility and, if necessary, may employ the funds allocated to them according to need.

4. Who is the target group for this call? 

The position of MPRG Leader is particularly suitable for emerging scholars who have already held one or two postdoctoral positions and would now like to head an independent research group allowing them to pursue their own research agenda. Candidates should demonstrate exceptional academic credentials as well as promise as leaders, mentors, and collaborators. Please note that only scientists who hold a doctorate are eligible to apply.

4. Why are not all Max Planck Institutes available as a host institute?

Not all MPIs currently have the space to accommodate a MPRG appropriately. Many Institutes are already accommodating one or more groups and are unable to host any other MPRG in near future.

5. Are Max Planck Research Group Leaders expected to teach?

Teaching is not formally required. However, MPRG Leaders are free to become involved in the training of young scientists at a local university.


6. Why are not all Max Planck Institutes available as host institutes?

Not all MPI currently have the space to accommodate a MPRG appropriately. Many institutes are already accommodating one or more research groups and are unable to host any other group in near future.

7. Is there any age limit?

No. However, the call for proposals for MPRG Leader positions 2024 is aimed at talented early-career researchers. Ideally, applicants should have completed their PhD no more than seven years ago (PhD in medicine: no more than nine years ago). If the recommended academic age is exceeded, applicants should provide a detailed statement regarding their suitability in their cover letter.

8. How do family breaks affect the recommended academic age limit?

The Max Planck Society expressly welcomes applications from early-career researchers who were awarded their doctorate more than seven years ago due to family related breaks. In order for this to be taken into account, please confirm your family break in the respective section in the application portal and state the time and duration of your leave in your cover letter.

9. How to identify the appropriate section?

During the application process you are asked to assign your application to one of the three sections of the Max Planck Society – the Biology & Medicine Section, the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section or the Human Sciences Section. This choice determines which committee will evaluate your application. Each section has its own selection committee. In most cases the applicants’ choice of their section is the section to which their preferred host-institute belongs (1st priority). To find out which institute is associated with which section, please go to the list of selectable host-institutes in the application portal. However, if applicants conduct interdisciplinary research, it might sometimes be better, to choose a different section than the section to which your preferred host-institute(s) officially belongs. If in doubt, please choose the section with which you feel most comfortable having your application assessed.

10. Is a (completed) habilitation a reason for not considering to apply?

No. A habilitation is neither a requirement nor is it considered as a disadvantage. MPRG Leaders often habilitate at a neighboring university. Please note that the Max Planck Society is not authorized to confer habilitations.

11. Should the applicant contact their preferred Max Planck Institute(s) prior to submitting an official application?

Yes. Although not obligatory, we encourage all prospective applicants to contact the MPI where they want their MPRG to be located prior to the application. This is a good way for both parties do determine whether the respective MPI is/are a suitable host for the candidate and their intended project.

12. Is it possible to apply for a Max Planck Research Group Leader position at a Max Planck Institute where the applicant is/was already employed?

Yes. In terms of career development, it is usually better to establish your independent research at a different institute. However, there may occasionally be good reasons for choosing a MPI where you are currently employed or already have been employed as the optimal location for your future research project.

13.  Is it possible to apply to other research organizations in parallel with an application to the Max Planck Society?



14. What types of publications can I submit and which publication status must they have reached?

If your section specific instructions for application include the submission of papers, please do not submit work that is currently undergoing peer review. Pre-prints or the manuscripts that yielded the acceptance from a journal will be considered as long as they are marked as such. Please submit papers/journal articles only. Instead of a paper/journal article it is also possible to submit a book chapter along with a short summary of the book. 

Please do not forget to identify the three most important publications on your publication list. Our committees in general only count published papers or papers that are in press (formally accepted). If a paper is accepted but not yet in print, please indicate this in your publication list. Papers in your publication list that to date carry the status of submitted or under review must be clearly marked as such.

15. Can the supervisor of the doctoral thesis or a Director of a Max Planck Institute provide a letter of recommendation? 

Yes. Letters may come from people associated with the Max Planck Society or from external referees. However, if a Max Planck Director provides a letter of recommendation, then the second letter must come from an external referee (who is not affiliated with a MPI). Alternatively, both letters of recommendation can be submitted by external referees.

16. Must the application and the letters of recommendation be written in English? 

Yes. Only applications and letters of recommendation written in English are accepted.

17. How should letters of recommendation be submitted? 

Please invite referees via the ‘invite a referee’-button in the application portal. You will then be asked to provide their names and e-mail addresses. The application portal will then send an e-mail to your referee with further instructions on how to upload their letter of recommendation. You will be notified when your referee has uploaded their letter of recommendation. Only letters of recommendation in electronic form (as pdf), which have been submitted by the referees themselves, will be considered. 


18. Who is part of the selection committee? 

The Max Planck Society is divided into three sections: the Biology and Medicine Section (BMS); the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section (CPTS); and the Human Sciences Section (HSS). Each section has its own selection committee comprising a panel of Max Planck Directors and, in some cases, MPRG Leaders from different backgrounds. Applicants choose the section they want to be part of in the application portal.

19.    How does the selection process work? 

All submitted applications will be evaluated in accordance with the highest criteria of excellence. The selection process differs slightly between each section, but generally involves several stages. First, the application will be checked for completeness and compliance with the guidelines. Then, the selection committee will make a pre-selection based on the application documents. The pre-selected candidates will be invited to a symposium, where they will give a presentation and be interviewed by the committee. After the symposium, the committee will rank the candidates according to their excellence, potential, and suitability. The final decision will be made by the President of the Max Planck Society.

20.    What is the schedule of the selection procedure?

The pre-selection process will be completed by the end of 2024. All applicants who make it to the next round will be contacted by mid-January at the latest and invited to a symposium. The symposium of the Biology and Medicine Section will take place from 18 to 21 March 2025, the symposium of the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section will take place from 12 to 14 March 2025, and the symposium of the Human Sciences Section will take place from 18 to 19 February 2025.


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