Doing research in Germany
Max Planck-India Mobility Grants are set out to enable doing research in Germany
Qualified and promising Indian post docs who already have a recognisable scientific profile and have achieved their PhD no longer than four years ago can be nominated for Max Planck-India Mobility Grants. Time previously spent at a Max Planck Institute is not a requirement.
Indian scientists receiving this grant must spend at least one month a year at a Max Planck institute. The host Max Planck institute receives a travel allowance of € 5,000 a year for the Indian post docs for a period totalling three years; the grant can be used for flights, accommodation costs and regional travel costs.
Since 2005, 70 “Max Planck-India Mobility Grants” have been awarded to Indian scientists, 11 of which are still active. Interested candidates can be nominated for Mobility Grants throughout the year.