Research report 2011 - Max Planck Institute for Human Development

Launching the Century of the Patient

Gigerenzer, Gerd; Muir Gray, J. A.
Adaptives Verhalten und Kognition (Gerd Gigerenzer)
Harding Center for Risk Literacy
Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin
Efficient health care needs well-informed doctors and patients. Our current health care system does not accomplish either. Many doctors and even more patients do not understand the medical information and research findings that are available. At the Ernst Strüngmann Forum “Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions: Envisioning Health Care 2020,” experts from ten countries developed ideas for a health care system of the future: better health care for less money through better information.

For the full text, see the German version.

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