Prof. Dr. Jens Brüning

Prof. Dr. Jens Brüning

Curriculum Vitae

Doctorate (1993) at the University of Cologne. Here, he was awarded the venia legendi for Internal Medicine/Endocrinology (2002). Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research (since 2011). As a researcher, he is interested in the (neuronal) regulation of energy and glucose metabolism in connection with age-associated (e.g., type 2 diabetes) and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Morbus Alzheimer, Morbus Parkinson). He already received numerous international awards for his progression made in metabolism regulation. In 2009, he was honoured with the “Ernst Jung-Preis für Medizin”; in 2008, he received the “Minkowski-Price” of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes preceded by the “Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis” of the German Research Association in 2007. The “Wilhelm Vaillant-Preis” as well as the “Ferdinand Bertram-Preis” of the German Diabetes Association were committed to him in 2005. Already in 2001 he was received the distinction “Ernst und Berta Scharrer-Preis” of the German Association for Endocrinology.