Prof. Dr. Miltos Tsiantis

Prof. Dr. Miltos Tsiantis

Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1969 in Horley, UK. Study of Biology in Athens, D. Phil. at New College, University of Oxford (1997). Glasstone Research Fellow at Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford (1996-1999) and Research Fellow at Plant Gene expression Center, University of California, Berkeley (1999-2000). Return to the University of Oxford as Royal Society University Research Fellow (1999-2003). Junior Research Fellow in Biology at Trinity (1996-1999) and St Cross (1999-2001) Colleges, then Browne Research Fellow at Queens College, (2001-2003). University Lecturer in Developmental Biology (2003-2008), Reader (2009) and Professor (2009-2013) of Plant Developmental Genetics, University of Oxford. Additionally Tutorial Fellow in Biology (2002-2010) and Senior Research Fellow in Biology (2010-2013) at Wadham College; Dean Wadham College (2009). Since 2013 Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Honorary Professor University of Cologne (2014).

Selected Awards

  • BBSRC Research Development Fellowship (2010-2013)
  • EMBO membership (2010)
  • Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (2007)
  • Balfour Lecturer of the Genetics Society (2007)
  • President’s Medal of the Society of Experimental Biology (2004)