Further Max Planck Centre opens at University of Ottawa
Cooperation in the field of photonics and optics research
The Max Planck Society and the University of Ottawa are going to establish the Max Planck-University of Ottawa Centre for Extreme and Quantum Photonics. The centre will link two of the world's foremost research teams in the field of photonics.

From left: Ferdi Schüth, Vice President of the Max Planck Society; Allan Rock, President, University of Ottawa; Mona Nemer, vice-president of research, University of Ottawa
Ferdi Schüth, Vice President of the Max Planck Society, and Allan Rock, University Ottawa president, recently signed at the University of Ottawa a memorandum of understanding that will put in motion an ambitious research program.
The new centre will be at the forefront of research in photonics and optics, in activities such as the development of very high intensity laser sources, a quintessential technology for future advanced manufacturing processes, optical methods for quantum information science for use in secure data transmission over optical fiber systems and the fabrication of devices for use in classical and quantum photonics.
However, a cornerstone of this partnership will be to provide young researchers with international exchanges between Canada and Germany, giving them the opportunity to explore different scientific cultures early on in their professional development.
The principal Max Planck researchers in the new Max Planck-University of Ottawa Centre come from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and include Professor Gerd Leuchs, director, optics and information, Professor Philip Russell, director, photonic crystal fibres and Professor Vahid Sandoghdar, director, nano-optics.
The principal investigators from the University of Ottawa will be Professor Paul Corkum, National Research Council-Canada research chair in attosecond photonics, Professor Robert Boyd, Canada excellence research chair in quantum nonlinear optics, and Pierre Berini, University research chair in surface plasmon photonics.
The University of Ottawa is home to an outstanding team of experts in the area of photonics and optics research, as evidenced by its numerous research chairs and awards, including a prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chair, and ten Canada Research Chairs in photonics. The University boasts state-of-the-art research facilities, and over the past several years, its distinctions have also included the Harvey Prize, the Humboldt Research Award, the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, and the King Faisal International Prize for Science.
There are currently 15 Max Planck Centres worldwide with leading international research partners. As institutionalized platforms, the centres facilitate scientific collaboration programs, where the partners pool their respective skills, experience and expertise, and where scientific added value is created through the combination of complementary methods and knowledge. One of the objectives of such a collaboration through centres is to promote young scientists.