First global gene expression analysis elucidates the molecular inventory of naturally selected plant heavy metal hyperaccumulation and tolerance more
Max Planck Researcher team identifies an important self-defence mechanism in the brain on the basis of cannabinoid receptors more
Max Planck scientists show that female promiscuity can reduce the negative consequences of inbreeding in socially monogamous birds. more
German and Guatemalan researchers discover new mechanisms for ultraviolet vision in mammals more
Evolution of bacterial cooperation observed in laboratory first-hand by Max Planck scientists more
A team of German and US scientists demonstrates that development and growth of plants is controlled by tiny pieces of RNAs more
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg map forces that help cells divide more
Max Planck scientists have discovered the elusive channel that converts mechanical energy into electrical signals in sensory hair cells more
Max-Planck scientists show that prehistoric human migrations are reflected by the global population structure of Helicobacter pylori. more
Chaotic behavior in chemical reactions and heart fibrillation can be selectively influenced and suppressed more