Let's talk about tea: healthy drink or lifestyle beverage?
Max-Planck-Forum München
- Date: May 4, 2021
- Time: 07:00 PM - 08:15 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Alisdair Fernie (MPI of Molecular Plant Physiology), Mario Lorenz (Charité), Thomas Henn (German Tea & Herbal Infusions Association)
- Location: Digital
- Host: Max Planck Society
- Contact: forum@gv.mpg.de

What does “healthy tea” actually mean? Are there already any scientific studies revealing more details on the effectiveness of ingredients on the human body? Which ingredients play a special role in this context?
And how do tea traders deal with the topic of “healthy tea”? Is it possible to observe a history of how tea as a luxury commodity developed to become a lifestyle product for health-conscious customers? What does tea-drinking stand for today, and what are the future trends?
Make yourself comfortable with a nice hot cup of your favourite tea and join us on a journey through the world of tea!
The event will be held in English! Registration is not required.
YouTube Livestream
May 4, 2021 | 19:00 till 20:15
Keynote Speech:
Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie, Research Group Leader “Central Metabolism”, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm
Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie, Research Group Leader “Central Metabolism”, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm
Dr. rer. nat. Mario Lorenz, Research Fellow, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Medical Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology (CCM), CCR – Center for Cardiovascular Research
Dr. Thomas Henn, Executive Board Member, German Tea & Herbal Infusions Association, Hamburg; Head of Strategic Supply Chain, Ulrich Walter GmbH, Diepholz
Presented by:
Monika Seynsche, free scientific journalist and presenter
If you have any questions, please contact: forum@gv.mpg.de