Meteorologist Dirk Notz takes ice samples during a research campaign in the Arctic Circle.

How to give to Max Planck

Max Planck Society unites the best scientists under one roof. In their quest to find answers, our research teams boldly push the boundaries of knowledge. And they all have more ideas than budget. Learn more how your gift to Max Planck can create extra headroom for opportunities and new fields of action.


With your donation free for use, we can initiate new projects to initiate new projects today, and meet the demands of tomorrow. We use your funds where they are most urgently needed:

  • How do we finance the new training programme for our doctoral candidates?
  • How do we solve the problem when a newly founded research branch at an Institute requires a new lab?
  • How can we extend a project for the necessary three years to obtain the final answer to the core research question?

If you are enthusiastic about a specific field of research, you can also make a dedicated donation and thereby support research that matters to you. Our dedicated theme funds are our financial levers for the future. Right now, we are particularly tackling these research questions:

  • Climate, sustainability, biological diversity
    Ecosystems, environmental technologies, hydrogen technologies, energy conversion and storage
  • Complex dynamical systems
    Mathematics, physics, theoretical foundations of science
  • Future technologies, energy transition
    Robotics, cyber security, privacy protection, quantum technologies, novel materials
  • Life sciences
    Biomedical research, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's), cancer research and cell biology
  • Our world order in motion
    Geo-anthropology, human development, internationalized law, transitions of living conditions
  • Scientific talent
  • Structure of the world and the universe
    Astronomy, astrophysics, solar system research, dark matter, particles and quanta

Your donation can be a monetary fund, or assets such as stocks, securities, or property. Because we are recognized as a non-profit organization (NPO), your donation is tax-deductible. We are also exempt from inheritance tax on donations made in your will. Without constraints your funding or legacy can therefor be used to promote excellent research.

Planned Giving

Your legacy to us will create lasting values. Link your name with Max Planck Society and contribute to appointing the best scientists and promoting excellent doctoral candidates. Learn more about the possibilities on our Legacy site.

Foundations and endowments

If you want to start a foundation under the roof of the Max Planck Society, the returns of your endowment allow us a long-term financial planning horizon. Moreover, if you want to make an endowment to an existing foundation that already meets your point of interest, your dedicated endowment will increase our fixed foundation capital – forever.

If you consider starting a foundation or adding to an endowment, please get in touch with us. Hereby, we can make sure your ideas and your chosen foundation purpose is covered.

Max Planck Foundation

If you prefer to support us via an independent body, you can also make a donation to the Max Planck Foundation (MPF). The MPF is an independent foundation founded in 2006, located in Munich. The foundation exclusively supports our research, our Institutes, and our scientists.

The foundation enables us to act quickly, flexibly and in a targeted way so that we can attract the best scientists in view of global competition. By donating to MPF, you propell promising, innovative research.

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