Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)

Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)

The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) in Munich is a central unit of the Max Planck Society that supports scientists from all Max Planck Institutes with a broad portfolio of services in the fields of information provision, publication support and research data management.

In the era of digital information, big data, the World Wide Web and web-based collaboration, the MPDL makes a substantial contribution to the Max Planck Society's competitiveness in the international science community.

The MPDL and its predecessors have featured as one of Europe's largest purchasers of scientific information for more than 10 years now. The MPDL arranges for access to a wide range of scientific journals, eBooks, specialist databases and extensive open access publication services. Together with the libraries at the Max Planck Institutes, it takes care of an excellent supply of scientific information and opportunities for publication.

The MPDL conceives itself as one of the four central IT service units of the Max Planck Society (MPDL, MPCDF, IKT und GWDG), together with which it provides the overall portfolio of IT services for the Society. At the same time, the MPDL forms together with the institute’s libraries the librarian system of the Max Planck Society, in which the MPDL - pursuant to the subsidiary principle - takes on only those tasks which achieve true additional value creation.


Landsberger Straße 346
80687 München
Phone: +49 89 909311-0

Global community leaders highlight opportunities to drive openness and equity in scholarly publishing at the 15th Berlin Open Access Conference


German institutions to benefit from first transformative agreement for Nature starting in 2021


Springer Nature and MPDL Services GmbH on behalf of Projekt DEAL today announce that the formal contract for the world’ largest transformative Open Access (OA) agreement to date has been signed.


Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) initiates global research project


A strong signal to the publishers from the 14th Berlin Open Access Conference

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Electronic laboratory notebooks in the Max Planck Society

2016 Franke, Michael; Weraach, Jalal; Haarländer, Markus

Computer Science

More and more, computerized documentation systems find their way into scientific laboratories. They promise efficient, cooperative and easy working, standardized input and filing as well as connections to other electronic applications. MPDL investigated the current situation in the MPG, examined which demands researchers have on such a system and what barriers might arise when implementing it. Eventually, in 2016, laboratory notebook software was licensed by the MPDL, which can be used locally in the institutes or as a central MPG platform.


For more than ten years, researchers have pushed for open access initiatives. While the amount of freely available scientific papers on the internet is growing continuously, no joint strategy is on the horizon yet to achieve a large-scale shift in the near future. In 2015, the Max Planck Digital Library published a much-noticed study showing that a large-scale transformation to open access publishing is possible without added expense. Based on this analysis an international initiative has been launched in December 2015 with a view to pursuing the open access transformation on a global level.


Open Science

2014 Boosen, Martin; Franke, Michael; Geschuhn, Kai Karin; Vengadasalam, Sandra

Computer Science

Digital transformation enables transparent working and cooperation methods in research – Open Science. MPDL experts explore these opportunities to support Max Planck researchers in handling it. They represent the interests of the Max Planck Society in various alliances. MPDL hosts several events to connect further professionals for information exchange and the setup of new networks. Innovative services and technologies are established for the institutes to facilitate the realisation of new requirements.


How research data become digital residents

2013 Kleinfercher, Friederike

Computer Science

There is rising awareness in the research world to not only archive and provide publications as the main outcome of a research process, but to also enable access to the related research data. With its open source web application imeji, the Max Planck Digital Library offers a software and a service for the sustainable publication of research data. In one sentence, imeji creates citable research items by describing, enriching, sharing, exposing and linking data.


Libraries want to provide comfortable access for the scientists to several digital information resources – not only to the library catalog. Discovery systems support this objective by allowing the integration of all sorts of data sources into one index. The Max Planck Digital Library and five Max Planck Institute libraries carried out a pilot project to establish a discovery system, which is simplifying the access to the libraries' information resources significantly.

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