
Two people are sitting on a bench in front of a building that looks ancient Roman. Skyscrapers rise beside it.

In both ancient Roman and modern cities, population size and the wealth of the elites are related more

Portraits of the three award winners: on the left Geordie Williamson (short grey hair, white shirt, blue jacket), in the middle Laura Waller (shoulder-length brown hair, turquoise blouse, dark jacket), on the right Torsten Hoefler (glasses, short red hair, moustache and chin beard, white shirt, black jacket).

Geordie Williamson receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024, and Max Planck-Humboldt Medals go to Laura Waller and Torsten Hoefler more

A new mathematical language for biological networks

New mathematical model of genetic interaction identifies master regulators in biological networks more

What do neurons, fireflies and dancing the Nutbush have in common?

Scientists have developed new tools to understand how networks fsynchronize more

Volunteers at the main railway station in Berlin offering food and beverages to refugees from the Ukraine. From the viewer's perspective, they are standing in front of a long table with light brown cups and drinks. The focus is on a helper with a green waistcoat and FFP-2 mask, who can be seen from diagonally behind. On the other side are people helping themselves to the beverages on offer.

Coupling two approaches of game theory can shed light on how moral norms evolve more

How value shapes the fluctuations of conscious perception

What we perceive might sometimes reflect the outcome of a value-based decision-making process, a new analysis of the literature suggests more

Space determines the arrangement

Researchers study historical developments of the periodic system of chemical elements more

Vaccinating socially active people first

In the long term, contact restrictions can be lifted more quickly if younger people are immunized first more

Opening at the pace of vaccination

If the case numbers are low, contact restrictions can be relaxed relatively quickly in the course of the vaccination campaign more

Early warning of market bubbles

Mathematical metrics reveal market instabilities more

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Two people are sitting on a bench in front of a building that looks ancient Roman. Skyscrapers rise beside it.

In both ancient Roman and modern cities, population size and the wealth of the elites are related more

Portraits of the three award winners: on the left Geordie Williamson (short grey hair, white shirt, blue jacket), in the middle Laura Waller (shoulder-length brown hair, turquoise blouse, dark jacket), on the right Torsten Hoefler (glasses, short red hair, moustache and chin beard, white shirt, black jacket).

Geordie Williamson receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024, and Max Planck-Humboldt Medals go to Laura Waller and Torsten Hoefler more

Volunteers at the main railway station in Berlin offering food and beverages to refugees from the Ukraine. From the viewer's perspective, they are standing in front of a long table with light brown cups and drinks. The focus is on a helper with a green waistcoat and FFP-2 mask, who can be seen from diagonally behind. On the other side are people helping themselves to the beverages on offer.

Coupling two approaches of game theory can shed light on how moral norms evolve more

Vaccinating socially active people first

In the long term, contact restrictions can be lifted more quickly if younger people are immunized first more

Opening at the pace of vaccination

If the case numbers are low, contact restrictions can be relaxed relatively quickly in the course of the vaccination campaign more

Early warning of market bubbles

Mathematical metrics reveal market instabilities more

Artificial intelligence supports medical prognoses

Using COVID-19 as an example, a machine learning method predicts patients' individual mortality risk more

“By the end of May, we could reach well below 1000 new infections per day”

Viola Priesemann from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization talks about the spread of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 and strategies to contain the Covid-19 epidemic. She is one of the authors of a statement by non-university research organisations on pandemic. more

The hidden structure of the periodic system

The well-known representation of chemical elements is just one example of how objects can be arranged and classified more

Fields Medal awarded to Peter Scholze

New Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics awarded the highest distinction in Mathematics more

The mystery of the dark bodies

The idea that black holes exist dates back to the 18th century more

Sound of words is no coincidence

Particular sounds are preferred or avoided in non-related languages far more often than previously assumed more

Exploding seed pods

A mathematical model explains how popping cress catapults its seeds into the air more

Robots: the curiosity of the body

A new learning rule could help robots to acquire new movements and explain how people develop sensorimotor intelligence more

Tonal languages require humidity

Languages with a wide range of tone pitches have primarily developed in regions with high levels of humidity more

An organ pipe as a telescope

How the mathematics professor Galileo became a passionate telescope builder and enthusiastic sky watcher more

These snapshots at various times during the simulation of a stimulated turbulence in hot plasma show the energy density. In the bright regions, energy and temperature are the greatest in each case.

Numerical calculations by scientists at the AEI give an initial insight into the relativistic properties of this mysterious process more

The pathways of epidemics

A new computer model rapidly and accurately estimates who spreads an infection particularly extensively, thereby facilitating countermeasures more

Robots start learning

Ingeniously designed machines learn to move without receiving any instructions from control programs. Similarly, robots are learning about their bodies and their environment. more

A new kind of counting

Göttingen-based scientists are developing a computer algorithm to solve previously unsolvable counting problems more