Journal Article (2206)

Journal Article
Coca-Vila, I.: Punishing the Last Citizens? On the Climate Necessity Defence. Res Publica (2023)
Journal Article
Thielmann, I.: (Re)considering personality in criminological research. Crime and Justice 52 (1), pp. 395 - 445 (2023)
Journal Article
Pougnet, R.: Citizenship Deprivation in the Courts: Unveiling States’ Constitutional Structures. European Constitutional Law Review, pp. 1 - 26 (2023)
Journal Article
Frankenhuis, W. E.; Panchanathan, K.; Smaldino, P. E.: Strategic Ambiguity in the Social Sciences. Social Psychological Bulletin 18, pp. 1 - 25 (2023)
Journal Article
Pellegrino, G.; Casali, N.; Meneghetti, C.; Tinti, C.; Re, A. M.; Sini, B.; Passolunghi, M. C.; Valenti, A.; Montesano, L.; Carretti, B.: Universal and Specific Services for University Students with Specific Learning Disabilities: The Relation to Study Approach, Academic Achievement, and Satisfaction. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 38 (4), pp. 274 - 284 (2023)
Journal Article
Hörnle, T.: Nachruf auf Albin Eser. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 135 (3), pp. 375 - 377 (2023)
Journal Article
Frankenhuis, W. E.; Borsboom, D.; Nettle, D.; Roisman, G. I.: Formalizing theories of child development: Introduction to the special section. Child Development, pp. 1 - 7 (2023)
Journal Article
Feraco, T.; Casali, N.; Meneghetti, C.; Greiff, S.; Cona, G.: Is Good Character All that Counts? A Comparison Between the Predictive Role of Specific Strengths and a General Factor of “Good Character” Using a Bifactor Model. Journal of Happiness Studies 24, pp. 2353 - 2376 (2023)
Journal Article
Hohnerlein, J.: Formale Eigentumsrechte als kategorische Grenze der Versammlungsfreiheit? Duldungspflichten privater Eigentümer auf »öffentlichen Foren« und darüber hinaus. Juristenzeitung 78 (19), pp. 843 - 850 (2023)
Journal Article
Smillie, L. D.; Thielmann, I.: Defining and describing morality: The view from personality psychology. Psychological Inquiry 34 (2), pp. 102 - 105 (2023)
Journal Article
Alper, S.; Yelbuz, B. E.; Konukoglu, K.: Perceived expert and laypeople consensus predict belief in local conspiracy theories in a non-WEIRD culture: Evidence from Turkey. Judgment and Decision Making 18, e35 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Qi, F.; Otgaar, H.; Nash, R.; Jelicic, M.: A Tale of Two Distrusts: Memory Distrust Toward Commission and Omission Errors in the Chinese Context. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (2023)
Journal Article
Fish, E.: Why it is not unreasonable to fear terrorism. Journal of Applied Philosophy (2023)
Journal Article
Kilrea, K. A.; Taylor, S.; Bilodeau, C.; Wittmann, M.; Linares Gutiérrez, D.; Kübel, S.: Measuring an Ongoing State of Wakefulness: The Development and Validation of the Inventory of Secular/Spiritual Wakefulness (WAKE). Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2023)
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L.: Virtual reality for criminologists: A road map. Crime and Justice 52, pp. 1 - 49 (2023)
Journal Article
Boe, M.: Dogmatik and International Criminal Law: Approximations in the Realm of ‘Language’ and ‘Grammar’. Goettingen Journal of International Law 13 (1), pp. 120 - 162 (2023)
Journal Article
Nettle, D.; Frankenhuis, W. E.; Panchanathan, K.: Biology, Society, or Choice: How Do Non-Experts Interpret Explanations of Behaviour? Open Mind 7, pp. 625 - 651 (2023)
Journal Article
Silverman, E.: AI and the Administration of Justice in the United States of America: Predictive Policing and Predictive Justice. e-Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal, A-08, pp. 5 - 77 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Nash, R. A.; Otgaar, H.: Preference for cheap-and-easy memory verification strategies is strongest among people with high memory distrust. Memory 31 (7), pp. 978 - 988 (2023)
Journal Article
Hirsch, P.-A.: Neu über Recht und Unrecht nachdenken: Nationalsozialistisches Strafrecht in der juristischen Ausbildung und die Novelle des § 5a DRiG. Nationalsozialistisches Strafrecht, pp. 1 - 10 (2023)
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