Journal Article (2206)

Journal Article
Thielmann, I.; Hilbig, B. E.: Generalized dispositional distrust as the common core of populism and conspiracy mentality. Political Psychology 44 (4), pp. 789 - 805 (2023)
Journal Article
Thönnes, C.: Der Hinweis auf den geheimen Rechtsbruch: Analyse, Kritik und Reformvorschläge anlässlich des neuen Hinweisgeberschutzgesetzes. Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (14), pp. 1047 - 1053 (2023)
Journal Article
Radkani , S.; Holton, E.; De Courson, B.; Saxe, R.; Nettle, D.: Desperation and inequality increase stealing: evidence from experimental microsocieties. Royal Society Open Science 10 (7), 221385 (2023)
Journal Article
Casali, N.; Feraco, T.; Meneghetti, C.: Keep going, keep growing: A longitudinal analysis of grit, posttraumatic growth, and life satisfaction in school students under COVID-19. Learning and Individual Differences 105, 102320 (2023)
Journal Article
Columbus, S.; Thielmann, I.; Zettler, I.; Böhm, R.: Parochial reciprocity. Evolution and Human Behavior 44 (2), pp. 131 - 139 (2023)
Journal Article
Oberwittler, D.: Stellungnahme zur Verfassungsbeschwerde wegen Beschlagnahme von Forschungsunterlagen (1 BvR 2219/20). Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal | Criminology - The Online Journal 5 (2), pp. 139 - 154 (2023)
Journal Article
Casali, N.; Meneghetti, C.: Soft Skills and Study-Related Factors: Direct and Indirect Associations with Academic Achievement and General Distress in University Students. Education Sciences 13 (6), 612 (2023)
Journal Article
Nielsen, Y. A.; Thielmann, I.; Pfattheicher, S.: Beyond the mean: Can we improve the predictive power of psychometric scales? Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (2), pp. 1 - 15 (2023)
Journal Article
Alper, S.; Yelbuz, B. E.; Akkurt, S. B.; Yilmaz, O.: The positive association of education with the trust in science and scientists is weaker in highly corrupt countries. Public Understanding of Science (2023)
Journal Article
Simon, J.-M.: La corrupción en el sector de la justicia penal: perspectivas para una reforma institucional en América Latina. Revista Derecho Penal y Criminología 44 (117), pp. 95 - 147 (2023)
Journal Article
Scholz, D. D.; Thielmann, I.; Hilbig, B. E.: Down to the core: The role of the common core of dark traits for aversive relationship behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences 213, 112263 (2023)
Journal Article
Boers, K.; Kaiser, F.; Schaerff, M.; Wikström, P.-O. H.: The Short-Term Impact of Formal Controls on Subsequent Offending and Future Formal Controls in a German and UK City. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Cheung, F. C.; Wong, H. T.; Yuen, L. Y.; Sin, H. C.; Chow, H. T. K.; Feldman, G.: Revisiting the Role of Public Exposure and Moral Beliefs on Feelings of Shame and Guilt: Replication Registered Report of Smith et al. (2002)’s Study 1. Collabra: Psychology 9 (1), 77610 (2023)
Journal Article
Hörnle, T.: Ex-post-Triage: Gründe für ihre Zulassung. medstra – Zeitschrift für Medizinstrafrecht (3), pp. 139 - 142 (2023)
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Coppola, F.: Gender identity in the era of mass incarceration: The cruel and unusual segregation of trans people in the United States. International Journal of Constitutional Law, moad046 (2023)
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Stephenson, R.; Rinceanu, J.: Digital Iatrogenesis: Towards an Integrative Model of Internet Regulation. Eucrim - the European Criminal Law Associations' Forum (2023)
Journal Article
Thönnes, C.: Fluggastdatenspeicherung: Die Zukunft von Vorratsdatenspeicherung und automatisierter Verdachtsgenerierung. Die Verwaltung 55 (4), pp. 527 - 559 (2023)
Journal Article
Feraco, T.; Casali, N.; Meneghetti, C.: Adaptability and Grit: Foundations for Their Joint Contribution to Students' Academic and Nonacademic Outcomes. Mind, Brain, and Education (2023)
Journal Article
Brener, S. A.; Frankenhuis, W. E.; Young, E. S.; Ellis, B. J.: Social Class, Sex, and the Ability to Recognize Emotions: The Main Effect is in the Interaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2023)
Journal Article
Arnold, J.; Grams, F.; Hanke, F.-J.; Lind, G.; Loewenbrück, K.; Will, R.: Endstation Triage? Gefahren der Priorisierung für die Menschenrechte. Vorgänge: Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik 237/238, pp. 183 - 203 (2023)
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