Scientific Publications

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Grabke, H. J.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.; Strauss, S.; Pippel, E.; Woltersdorf, J.: Effects of grain size, cold working, and surface finish on the metal-dusting resistance of steels. Oxidation of Metals 50 (3-4), pp. 241 - 254 (1998)
Journal Article
Schmidt, W.; Stratmann, M.: Scanning Kelvinprobe Investigations of Filiform Corrosion on Aluminium Alloy 2024-T3. Corrosion Science 40 (8), pp. 1441 - 1443 (1998)
Journal Article
Grabke, H. J.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.; Klöwer, J.; Agarwal, D. C.: Metal dusting of nickel-based alloys. Materials Performance 37 (7), pp. 58 - 63 (1998)
Journal Article
Grabke, H. J.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.: Protection of high alloy steels against metal dusting by oxide scales. Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion 49 (5), pp. 317 - 320 (1998)
Journal Article
Klöwer, J.; Grabke, H.-J.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.: Metal dusting of nickel-base alloys. Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion 49 (5), pp. 328 - 329 (1998)
Journal Article
Schneider, A.; Viefhaus, H.; Inden, G.; Grabke, H.-J.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.: Influence of H2S on metal dusting. Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion 49 (5), pp. 336 - 339 (1998)
Journal Article
Grundmeier, G.; Stratmann, M.: Plasma Polymerization - A new and promising way for the corrosion protection of steel. Materials and Corrosion 49 (3), pp. 150 - 160 (1998)
Journal Article
Rohwerder, M.; de Weldige, K.; Stratmann, M.: Potential dependence of the kinetics of thiol self-organization on Au(111). Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2 (2), pp. 88 - 93 (1998)
Journal Article
Favre, M.; Landolt, D.; Hoffman, K.; Stratmann, M.: Influence of Gallic Acid on the Phase Transformation in Iron Oxide Layers below Organic Coatings studied with Moessbauer Spectroscopy. Corrosion Science 40, 4-5, pp. 793 - 803 (1998)
Journal Article
Grabke, H.-J.; Spiegel, M.; Reese, E.: The role of chlorides in hot corrosion. Molten Salt Forum 5-6 (1998)
Journal Article
Grundmeier, G.; Reinartz, C.; Rohwerder, M.; Stratmann, M.: Corrosion properties of chemically modified metal surfaces. Electrochimica Acta 43 (1-2), pp. 165 - 174 (1998)
Journal Article
Hecht, U.; Schilz, C. M.; Stratmann, M.: Influence of Relative Humidity during Film Formation Processes on the Structure of Ultrathin Polymeric Films. Langmuir 14, 23, pp. 6743 - 6748 (1998)
Journal Article
Maege, I.; Jaehne, E.; Henke, A.; Adler, H. J. P.; Bram, C.; Jung, C.; Stratmann, M.: Self – assembling adhesion promoters for corrosion resistant metal polymer interfaces. Progress in Organic Coatings 34 (1-4), pp. 1 - 12 (1998)
Journal Article
Schroer, C.; Spiegel, M.; Sauthoff, G.; Grabke, H.-J.: Fe–Cr–Si-alloys with enhanced resistance against high temperature corrosion in the presence of molten sulphate/chloride mixtures and HCl containing gases. Molten Salt Forum 5-6, pp. 441 - 446 (1998)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Clauberg, E.; Dziakova, A.; Eltester, B.; Hammer, L.; Hüning, B.; Kottcke, M.; Müller, C.; Rath, C.; Uebing, C.; Heinz, K.: Cosegregation-induced epitaxial growth of two- and three-dimensional compounds on multicomponent alloy surfaces. In: MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS, 528, pp. 3 - 10 (Eds. Wille; T., L.; Burmester; P., C.; Terakura et al.) (1998)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Spiegel, M.; Grabke, H.-J.: Corrosion mechanisms of steels by salt melts from waste incineration plants. In: Molten Salt Forum Ser.. Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology 5, Dresden, Germany, 1997-08. Trans Tech Publications Ltd (1998)
Conference Paper
Dannenfeldt, M.; Stratmann, M.: Aluminiumhaltige Stähle: Neuer Werkstoff hoher Korrosionsbeständigkeit? In: Konstruktiver Korrosionsschutz (Eds. Materialforschung, D. V. f.; (DVM), –. e.V.). DDVM-Tag 1998 – Bauteil ´98, Berlin, Germany, May 06, 1998 - May 08, 1998. (1998)
Conference Paper
Krasemann, M.; Streckel, H.; Hoffmann, K.; Grabke, H.-J.; Stratmann, M.: Detection of Hydrogen Ingress into Iron Oxide and Iron Oxy-Hydroxide Layers by the Kelvin Probe. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Passivity And its Breakdown, Vol. 97, pp. 207 - 220 (Eds. Natishan, P. M.; Isaacs, H. S.; Janik Czachor, M.; Macagno, V. A.; Marcus, P. et al.). Symposium on Passivity and its Breakdown at the 1st Joint International Meeting of the Electrochemical-Society/International-Society-of-Electrochemistry, Paris, France, September 01, 1997 - September 05, 1997. (1998)