Journal Article (799)

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Becci, I.; Burchardt, M.; Giorda, M.: Religious super-diversity and spatial strategies in two European cities. Current Sociology 65 (1), pp. 73 - 91 (2017)
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Bianchini, K.: The Protection of Stateless Persons in EU Member States: Procedures and Grant of Status Implementing the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons. International journal of refugee law (accepted)
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Burchardt, M.: Recalling modernity: how nationalist memories shape religious diversity in Quebec and Catalonia. Nations and Nationalism 23 (3), pp. 599 - 619 (2017)
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Burchardt, M.: Diversity as neoliberal governmentality: Towards a new sociological genealogy of religion. Social Compass 64 (2), pp. 180 - 193 (2017)
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Chiu, T.-L.: An overview of Buddhist precepts in Taiwan and mainland China. Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 13, pp. 151 - 197 (2017)
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Debonneville, J.: La «sortie de terrain» à l’épreuve de l’ethnographie multi-site. Repenser la territorialité et la temporalité de l’enquête au regard du désengagement ethnographique. SociologieS La recherche en actes (2017)
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Debonneville, J.: (Re)connaissances anthropologiques du postcolonial: Circulations, résistances et institutionnalisations = Anthropology and postcolonial studies: Resistance, circulation and institutionalization in France. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances 11 (3), pp. 283 - 302 (2017)
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Debonneville, J.; Parini, L.: Les politiques de la recherche: éthique, rapports de pouvoir, et groupes vulnérables. Sociograph 34, pp. 107 - 111 (2017)
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Gadjanova, E.: Ethnic wedge issues in electoral campaigns in Africa's presidential regimes. African Affairs 116 (464), pp. 484 - 507 (2017)
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Gadjanova, E.: Electoral clientelism as status affirmation in Africa: evidence from Ghana. The Journal of Modern African Studies 55 (4), pp. 593 - 621 (2017)
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Gandhi, A.: The sanctioning state: Official permissiveness and prohibition in India. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 2017 (77), pp. 8 - 21 (2017)
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Harms-Dalibon, L.: Surveillance and prayer – comparing Muslim prison chaplaincy in Germany’s federal states. Comparative Migration Studies 5 (8), pp. 1 - 22 (2017)
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Hirschl, R.: Secession and nullification as a global trend. Constitutional Studies 2, pp. 23 - 40 (2017)
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Hirschl, R.: From comparative constitutional law to comparative constitutional studies. Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi [Journal of Constitutional Law] (2017)
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Kankonde Bukasa, P.; Wilhelm-Solomon, M.; Núñez, L.: Vital instability: ontological insecurity and African urbanisms. Critical African Studies 9 (2), pp. 141 - 151 (2017)
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Koenig, M.: Exploring the micro-politics of recognition. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40 (8), pp. 1261 - 1270 (2017)
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Koenig, M.; Ohlendorf, D.; Diehl, C.: Religion und Bildungserfolg im Migrationskontext: Theoretische Argumente, empirische Befunde und offene Fragen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69 (4), pp. 561 - 591 (2017)
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Krause, K.; Bradby, H.; Green, G.; Davison, C.: Is superdiversity a useful concept in European medical sociology? Frontiers in Sociology 1, 17 (2017)
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Kusters, A.: Autogestion and competing hierarchies: deaf and other perspectives on diversity and the right to occupy space in the Mumbai surburban trains. Social & Cultural Geography 18 (2), pp. 201 - 223 (2017)
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