Conference Report (3)

Conference Report
Schader, M.: Sicht der Geflüchteten auf ländliche Räume: Kommentar aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht. In: Aufnahme und Integration von Geflüchteten in ländliche Räume: Spezifika und (Forschungs-)herausforderungen: Beiträge und Ergebnisse eines Workshops am 6. und 7. März 2017 in Braunschweig (Ed. Mehl, P.). Johann Heinirch von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig (2017)

Thesis - PhD (4)

Thesis - PhD
Schmalz, D.: World citizens at the border: democratic theory, international law, and the figure of the refugee. Dissertation, 262 pp., Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Geraghty, M. A.: Genocide ideology, nation-building, counter-revolution: Specters of the Rwandan nation-state. Dissertation, The University of Chicago, Ann Arbor (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Moutselos, M.: Neighborhoods against the state: Urban policy and violent protest in Western Europe. Dissertation (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Moutselos, M.: Neighborhoods against the state: Urban policy and violent protest in Western Europe. Dissertation, University of Princeton (2016)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Petermann, S.: Städtische Bevölkerungen und ihr spezifisches soziales Kapital. Habilitation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2011)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Bökle, S.: Weltwärts - sexwärts?!: Gender, Sexualität(en) und Begehren in internationalen Freiwilligendiensten. Diploma, 171, XXVII pp., Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag, Köln (2017)

Working Paper (164)

Working Paper
Amrith, M.: Reimagining social protection: Financialized futures among ageing migrant domestic workers in Asia. Bielefeld Anthropological Papers on Issues of the Global World (BAPGW): Working Paper 2 pp. 1 - 18 (2023)
Working Paper
Sobhy, H.: Reforms for Another Planet: The Global Learning Crisis, Political Drivers and Expert Views on Egypt’s Edu 2.0. RISE. Research on Improving Systems of Education. Political Economy Paper, PE06, pp. 1 - 39 (2023)
Working Paper
Drouhot, L. G.; Petermann, S.; Schönwälder, K.; Vertovec, S.: The “Diversity Assent” (DivA) survey: Technical report. MMG Working Paper (21-02) (2021), 165 pp.
Working Paper
Vertovec, S.: Superdiversity and social complexity. MMG Working Paper 21-04 (2021), 16 pp.
Working Paper
Walton, J. F.: Post-empire: A prolegomenon to the study of post-imperial legacies and memories. MMG Working Paper (21-03) (2021), 28 pp.
Working Paper
Zapatka, K.: Superdiversity in metropolitan New York: Technical report. MMG Working Paper (21-01) (2021), 22 pp.
Working Paper
Ahmad, I.: The oeuvre of Peter van der Veer. MMG Working Paper (20-01) pp. 1 - 26 (2020)
Working Paper
Bramadat, P.: Religion and bioregionalism in Cascadia: The trouble with categories. MMG Working Paper 20-05 (2020), 26 pp.
Working Paper
Bramadat, P.: Religion, spirituality, and secularity in the Pacific Northwest: Major themes. MMG Working Paper 20-02 (2020), 26 pp.
Working Paper
Sobhy, H.: Violence, class and masculinity in Egypt: Gendered punishment in Cairene schools. MMG Working Paper 20 (03) (2020)
Working Paper
Gadjanova, E.; Lynch, G.; Reifler, J.; Saibu, G.: Social media, cyber battalions, and political mobilisation in Ghana. Technical Report. (Nov. 2019) pp. 2 - 19 (2019)
Working Paper
Sobhy, H.: Expensive classrooms, poor learning: The imperatives of reforming school construction in Egypt. Alternative Policy Solutions: Policy Paper (2019)
Working Paper
Biehl, K. S.: Urban community centers in Turkey: Understanding the diversity of contemporary practices. IPC Istanbul Policy Center: Publications / Reports (2019), 24 pp.
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