Journal Article (799)

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Gadjanova, E.: Measuring parties’ ethnic appeals in democracies. Party Politics 21 (2), pp. 309 - 327 (2015)
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Gupta, R.: There must be some way out of here: Beyond a spatial conception of Muslim ghettoization in Mumbai? Ethnography 16 (3), pp. 352 - 370 (2015)
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Heil, T.: Between phatic communion and coping tactic: Casamançais multilingual practices. Multilingual Margins 2 (1), pp. 67 - 82 (2015)
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Heo, A.: Relic technics and the extensible memory of Coptic orthodoxy. Material Religion 11 (1), pp. 50 - 74 (2015)
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Jung, J.-H.: Some tears of religious aspiration: Dynamics of Korean suffering in post-war Seoul, South Korea. World History Connected 12 (2) (2015)
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Jung, J.-H.: Underground railroads of Christian conversion: North Korean migrants and evangelical missionary networks in Northeast Asia / 皈依基督教的地下通道: 北朝鲜移民与东北亚的 新教传教士. Cultural Diversity in China 1 (2), pp. 179 - 203 (2015)
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Jung, J.-H.; Kim, H.-c.: Hankuk-Tokil hakkyo kyosa insike kich’ohan sot’ong chungsim mirae kyoyuk t’amsaek” = A search for a communication-oriented future education based on a survey of Korean and German school teachers. Kyoyuk ch’ŏlhak 56, pp. 1 - 33 (2015)
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Kang, J.: The concept of social network in Chinese Christianity / 中国基督教的社会网络 概念. Cultural Diversity in China 1 (2), pp. 219 - 232 (2015)
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Koenig, M.; Connor, P.: Explaining the Muslim employment gap in Western Europe: Individual-level effects and ethno-religious penalties. Social Science Research 49, pp. 191 - 201 (2015)
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Kusters, A.: Peasants, warriors and the streams: Language games and etiologies of deafness in Adamorobe, Ghana. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 29 (3), pp. 418 - 436 (2015)
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Kusters, A.; de Meulder, M.; Friedner, M.; Emery, S.: Zu „Diversität“ und „Inklusion“: Unterschiedliche Paradigmen für die Umsetzung der Rechte von Sign Language Peoples. Das Zeichen: Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser 29 (100), pp. 210 - 225 (2015)
Journal Article
Martínez Ariño, J.; Garcia-Romeral, G.; Ubarsat-Gonzalez, G.; Griera, M.: Demonopolisation and dislocation: (Re-) negotiating the place and role of religion in Spanish prisons. Social compass 62 (1), pp. 3 - 21 (2015)
Journal Article
Martínez Ariño, J.; Griera, M.; Clot-Garrell, A.; Garcia-Romeral, G.: Religión e instituciones públicas en España: Hospitales y prisiones en perspectiva comparada. Revista Internacional de Sociología 73 (3), e018 (2015)
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Meissner, F.: Migration in migration-related diversity? The nexus between superdiversity and migration studies. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38 (4), pp. 556 - 567 (2015)
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Newhouse, L.: More than mere survival: violence, humanitarian governance and practical material politics in a Kenyan refugee camp. Environment and Planning A 47 (11), pp. 2292 - 2307 (2015)
Journal Article
Newhouse, L.; Lopez, P. J.; Bhungalia, L.: Geographies of humanitarian violence. Environment and Planning A 47 (11), pp. 2232 - 2239 (2015)
Journal Article
Ngo, T.: Missionary encounters at the China-Vietnam border: The case of the Hmong. Cultural Diversity in China 1 (1), pp. 68 - 83 (2015)
Journal Article
Ngo, T.: Protestant conversion and social conflict: The case of the Hmong in contemporary Vietnam. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 46 (2), pp. 274 - 292 (2015)
Journal Article
Ozgen, Z.: Maintaining ethnic boundaries in “non-ethnic” contexts: constructivist theory and the sexual reproduction of diversity. Theory and Society 44 (1), pp. 33 - 64 (2015)
Journal Article
Petermann, S.; Molina, J. L.; Herz, A.: Defining and measuring transnational fields. Field Methods 27 (3), pp. 223 - 243 (2015)
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