Journal Article (799)

Journal Article
Lukate, J. M.: On the precariousness of address: What narratives of being called White can tell us about researching and re/producing social categories in research. British Journal of Social Psychology 62 (S1), pp. 56 - 70 (2023)
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M.; Foster, J. L.: ‘Depending on where I am...’ Hair, travelling and the performance of identity among Black and mixed-race women. British Journal of Social Psychology 62 (1), pp. 342 - 358 (2023)
Journal Article
Römer, F.; Henninger, J.; Harris, E.: Social protection for mobile populations? A global perspective on immigrant social rights. Social Policy and Administration 2023, pp. 1 - 20 (2023)
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K.: Ageing at the margins: gendered and southern narratives of displacement among the East Timorese in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (4), pp. 1065 - 1081 (2023)
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K.; Taek, D. Y.: Reflections on ethics in research with older displaced persons in West Timor: Considering the “time effect”. International quarterly for Asian studies 54 (1), pp. 39 - 58 (2023)
Journal Article
Sampaio, D.; Amrith, M.: Editorial introduction: Southern reconfigurations of the ageing-migration nexus. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (4), pp. 927 - 944 (2023)
Journal Article
Shen, Y.: The Power of wish-vows: Ethics and ritual transformation in Buddhist temples in contemporary China. Material Religion 19 (3), pp. 211 - 235 (2023)
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A.: Application of the islamic family law in European countries and experience of Ukraine = Практика застосування норм ісламського сімейного права в окремих країнах Європи та досвід України. Schidnyj Svit = The World of the Orient 118 (1), pp. 114 - 123 (2023)
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A.: Impact of the events of Saqifa on the formation of differences between the islamic Sunni and Shia tradition. Journal of Al-Tamaddun 18 (1), pp. 161 - 167 (2023)
Journal Article
Torno, S.: Life-course management and social security in later life: Women’s biographical practices spanning generations and historical contexts in Tajikistan. Historical Social Research 48 (4), pp. 104 - 130 (2023)
Journal Article
Wolter, N.: Doing nothing? Dynamics of waiting among ageing internally displaced Cameroonians during the anglophone crisis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (4), pp. 1050 - 1064 (2023)
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M.: On the precariousness of address: What narratives of being called White can tell us about researching and re/producing social categories in research. British Journal of Social Psychology (00), pp. 1 - 15 (2022)
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Beaverstock, J. V.; Cohen, R.; Rogers, A.; Vertovec, S.: Covid-19 and Global Networks: Reframing our understanding of globalization and transnationalism. Global Networks, pp. 1 - 5 (2022)
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Sampaio, D.: Work as affective care: Visiting parents’ experiences of paid work abroad. Global Networks, pp. 13 (2022)
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Yamamura, S.: Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the transnationalization of LGBT* activism in Japan and beyond. Global Networks, pp. 1 - 12 (2022)
Journal Article
Emmerich, A.: Negotiating Germany’s first Muslim–Christian kindergarten: Temporalities, multiplicities, and processes in interreligious dialogue. Social Compass 69 (4), pp. 578 - 595 (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, E.: Educational divides and class-coalitions: How mainstream party voters divide and unite over immigration issues. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2022)
Journal Article
Ward, P.: The worth of their work: The (in)visible value of refugee volunteers in the transnational humanitarian aid sector. Work, Employment & Society 36 (5), pp. 928 - 944 (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, E.; Römer , F.: Contextual welfare chauvinism: Left-wing governments and immigrant welfarerights in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research (2022)
Journal Article
Sampaio, D.: Ageing, agency and work: Brazilian older adults building spaces of opportunity in the United States. Social & Cultural Geography (2022)
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