Journal Article (799)

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Horstmann, A.: Sacred spaces of Karen Refugees and humanitarian aid across the Thailand-Burma Border. Austrian journal of South-East Asian studies: ASEAS = Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften: ASEAS 4 (2), pp. 254 - 272 (2011)
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Huang, W.: Buddhists in action: transnational migration and religious cosmopolitanism. Encounters 4, pp. 215 - 239 (2011)
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Janev, G.: Ethnocratic remaking of public space - Skopje 2014. EFLA Journal: Political implications of the urban landscape 1, pp. 33 - 36 (2011)
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Janev, G.: Narrating the nation, narrating the city. Cultural Analysis 10, pp. 3 - 21 (2011)
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Jung, J.-H.: Underground railroads of Christian conversion: North Korean migrants and evangelical missionary networks in Northeast Asia. Encounters 4, pp. 163 - 188 (2011)
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Krause, K.: Cosmopolitan charismatics? Transnational ways of belonging and cosmopolitan moments in the religious practice of New Mission Churches. Ethnic and racial studies 34 (3), pp. 419 - 435 (2011)
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Krause, K.; Schramm, K.: Thinking through political subjectivity. African diaspora: journal of transnational Africa in a global world 4 (2), pp. 115 - 134 (2011)
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Lindemann, S.: The ethnic politics of coup avoidance: evidence from Zambia and Uganda. Africa spectrum 46 (2), pp. 3 - 41 (2011)
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Lindemann, S.: Inclusive elite bargains and the dilemma of unproductive peace: a Zambian case study. Third world quartely 32 (10), pp. 1843 - 1869 (2011)
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Shaery, R.: From subjects to citizens?: civil society and the internet in Syria. Middle East critique 20 (2), pp. 127 - 138 (2011)
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Smyer Yu, D.: Genuine charisma and its transmissibility: the inner landscape of reincarnated Lamas in contemporary Tibetan Buddhism in Kham and Golok. North West ethno-national studies = 西北民族研究 2011 (2), pp. 34 - 44 (2011)
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van der Veer, P.: Spirit. Material religion 7 (1), pp. 124 - 130 (2011)
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Vertovec, S.: The cultural politics of nation and migration. Annual Review of Anthropology 40, pp. 241 - 256 (2011)
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Vigneswaran, D.: Incident reporting: a technique for studying police corruption. Policing and society 21 (2), pp. 190 - 213 (2011)
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Vigneswaran, D.; Sutton, R.: A Kafkaesque state: deportation and detention in South Africa. Citizenship studies 15 (5), pp. 627 - 642 (2011)
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Vigneswaran, D.; Sutton, R.; Wels, H.: Waiting in liminal space: migrants queuing for home affairs in South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa 34 (1&2), pp. 30 - 37 (2011)
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Vorng, S.: Bangkok's two centers: status, space, and consumption in a millennial Southeast Asian city. City & society 23 (Suppl. s1), pp. 66 - 85 (2011)
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