Book Review (74)

Book Review
Schmalz, D.: [Review of:] Julia Schulze Wessel. Grenzfiguren - Zur politischen Theorie des Flüchtlings. Der Staat 57 (2), pp. 316 - 320 (2018)
Book Review
Yong, C.: [Review of:] Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration. By David Miller. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016. Journal of Politics 80 (1), pp. e29 - e30 (2018)
Book Review
White, C.: [Review of:] The rushing on of the purposes of God: Christian missions in Shanxi since 1876. By Andrew T. Kaiser. Church History 86 (3), pp. 939 - 941 (2017)
Book Review
White, C.: [Review of:] Jie Kang. House church Christianity in China: From rural preachers to city pastors. Studies in World Christianity 23 (2), pp. 188 - 189 (2017)
Book Review
Schlegel, S.: [Review of:] The Ethics and Politics of Immigration: Core Issues and Emerging Trends. Alex Sager (ed.). Notre Dame philosophical reviews: NDPR (2017)
Book Review
Rexhepi, P.: [Review of:] The Revival of Islam in the Balkans: From identity to religiosity, written by Arolda Elbasani and Olivier Roy. Journal of Muslims in Europe 6 (1), pp. 133 - 136 (2017)
Book Review
Schlegel, S.: [Review of:] Andreas Cassees Plädoyer für globale Bewegungsfreiheit – Zugang zu Institutionen oder zu Territorien? Politische Theorie, Philosophie & Ideengeschichte (2017)
Book Review
Boudou, B.: [Review of: Martin Deleixhe, Aux bords de la démocratie] Démocratiser les frontières. Raisons politiques 2017/4 (68), pp. 93 - 99 (2017)
Book Review
Debonneville, J.: [Review of:] Religious difference in a secular age: A minority report. Cahiers du Genre 63, pp. 224 - 228 (2017)
Book Review
Schlegel, S.: [Review of:] Rezension: Andrea Egbuna-Joss, Der Schutz der öffentlichen Ordnung und Sicherheit im Rahmen der internationalen Schutzgewährung. Sui generis, pp. 223 - 228 (2017)
Book Review
Schmalz, D.: [Review of:] Itamar Mann. Humanity at Sea: Maritime Migration and the Foundations of International Law. European Journal of International Law 28 (2), pp. 649 - 663 (2017)
Book Review
Stasik, M.: [Review of:] Hexenjagd und Aufklärung in Ghana: Von den medialen Inszenierungen des Okkulten zur Realität der Ghettos für Hexenjagdflüchtlinge, by Felix Riedel. 2016. Köln. Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society 5 (2), pp. 160 - 164 (2017)
Book Review
Van Der Linden, B.: [Review of:] Resonances of the Raj: India in the English Musical Imagination, Nalini Ghuman. ASIANetwork exchange 24 (1), pp. 159 - 161 (2017)
Book Review
Vorng, S.: [Review of:] Michael Herzfeld: Siege of the spirits: community and polity in Bangkok. Southeast Asian Studies 6 (2), pp. 386 - 390 (2017)
Book Review
Walton, J. F.: [Review of:] John R. Bowen: On British Islam: religion, law, and everyday practice in Shari’a councils. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016. Islamic Law and Society 24 (3), pp. 304 - 309 (2017)
Book Review
Bhasi, S.: [Review of:] Hometown Transnationalism: Long Distance Villageness Among Indian Punjabis and North African Berbers, Thomas Lacroix. Journal of Intercultural Studies 37 (3), pp. 320 - 322 (2016)
Book Review
Martinez, D. O.: [Review of:] A. Kuper. Anthropology and Anthropologists. The British School in the Twentieth Century (4th ed.). London: Routledge, 2015. xvi + 152 pp. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 52 (1), pp. 78 - 79 (2016)
Book Review
Schiller, M.: [Review of:] Niedner-Kalthoff (2015): Producing cultural diversity: hegemonic knowledge in global governance projects. Frankfurt/New York: Campus, ISBN 978-3-593-50316-5. Journal of Intercultural Studies (accepted)
Book Review
Van Der Linden, B.: [Review of:] Sacred and secular musics: A postcolonial approach, by Virinder S. Kalra. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 39 (3), pp. 700 - 702 (2016)
Book Review
Walton, J. F.: La identidad europea y el islam: Reflexiones sobre la historia y la memoria de la pertenencia religiosa andalusí y otomana. Revista de Libros (2016)
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