Collected Edition (75)

Collected Edition
Burchardt, M.; Kirn, G. (Eds.): Beyond neoliberalism: Social analysis after 1989. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2017)
Collected Edition
Kusters, A.; De Meulder , M.; O’Brien, D. (Eds.): Innovations in deaf studies: The role of deaf scholars. Oxford University Press, New York (2017)
Collected Edition
Meissner, F.; Vertovec, S. (Eds.): Comparing super-diversity. Routledge, London (2017), 125 pp.
Collected Edition
Udupa, S.; McDowell, S. (Eds.): Media as politics in South Asia. Routledge, London (2017)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Prayer and politics. Routledge, London (2017), x, 133 pp.
Collected Edition
Arnaut, K.; Blommaert, J.; Rampton, B.; Spotti, M. (Eds.): Language and Superdiversity. Routledge, London (2016)
Collected Edition
Burchardt, M.; Patterson, A.; Rasmussen, L. M. (Eds.): The politics and anti-politics of social movements: Religion and AIDS in Africa. Routledge, London (2016)
Collected Edition
Futterlieb, K.; Probstmeyer, J. (Eds.): Diversity Management und interkulturelle Arbeit in Bibliotheken. de Gruyter, Berlin (2016)
Collected Edition
Kankonde Bukasa, P.; Wilhelm-Solomon, M.; Núñez, L.; Malcomess, B. (Eds.): Routes and rites to the city: mobility, diversity and religious space in Johannesburg. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2016)
Collected Edition
Palmberger, M.; Tošić, J. (Eds.): Memories on the move: experiencing mobility, rethinking the past. Palgrave Macmillan, London (2016)
Collected Edition
Burchardt, M.; Michalowski, I. (Eds.): After integration: Islam, conviviality and contentious politics in Europe. Springer VS, Wiesbaden (2015), 325 pp.
Collected Edition
Burchardt, M.; Wohlrab-Sahr, M.; Middell, M. (Eds.): Multiple secularities beyond the West: Religion and modernity in the global age. de Gruyter, Berlin (2015)
Collected Edition
Horstmann, A.; Jung, J.-H. (Eds.): Building Noah's ark for migrants, refugees, and religious communities. Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2015)
Collected Edition
Jung, J.-H.: “Muŏsi hakkyo hyŏksinŭl chisokkanŭnghake hanŭnka?: Tokil, Mikuk, Hankuk hyŏksin hakkyoŭi him” = What make school reforming sustainable?: German, American, and Korean reformed schools’ power. Mame tŭrim, Seoul (2015)
Collected Edition
Koenig, M.; Knöbl, W.; Spohn, W. (Eds.): Religion and national identities in an enlarged Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2015)
Collected Edition
Kusters, A.; Friedner, M. (Eds.): It’s a small world: International deaf spaces and encounters. Gallaudet University Press, Washington, DC. (2015)
Collected Edition
Ngo, T.; Buck Quijada, J. (Eds.): Atheist secularism and its discontents: A comparative study of religion and communism in Eurasia. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2015)
Collected Edition
Shachar, A.; Levey, G. B. (Eds.): The politics of citizenship in immigrant democracies. Routledge, London (2015)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Handbook of religion and the Asian city: Aspiration and urbanization in the twenty-first century. University of California Press, California (2015), 488 pp.
Collected Edition
Vertovec, S. (Ed.): Routledge international handbook of diversity studies. Routledge, London (2015)
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