Scientific Publications
Journal Article (25)
Journal Article
10 (10), e1003921 (2014)
Linking macroscopic with microscopic neuroanatomy using synthetic neuronal populations. PLoS Computational Biology 2.
Journal Article
: Targeting cells with single vectors using multiple-feature Boolean logic. Nature Methods 11, pp. 763 - 772 (2014)
Journal Article
34 (22), pp. 7639 - 44 (2014)
Simultaneous recordings from the primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus reveal rhythmic interactions and a cortical source for gamma-band oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience 4.
Journal Article
92, pp. 143 - 155 (2014)
Contrast gain control and horizontal interactions in V1: A DCM study. NeuroImage 5.
Journal Article
18 (7), pp. 342 - 344 (2014)
Filling-in versus filling-out: Patterns of cortical short-term plasticity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6.
Journal Article
9 (1), e84914 (2014)
Adolescent brain maturation and cortical folding: Evidence for reductions in gyrification. PLoS One 7.
Journal Article
7, 218 (2014)
Pupil dilation signals uncertainty and surprise in a learning gambling task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8.
Journal Article
111 (9), pp. 3626 - 3631 (2014)
Stimulus repetition modulates gamma-band synchronization in primate visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 9.
Journal Article
18 (10), pp. P507 - P509 (2014)
Gamma or no gamma, that is the question. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10.
Journal Article
5, 69 (2014)
Improved control of exogenous attention in action video game players. Front Psychol 11.
Journal Article
8, 361 (2014)
Using hypnosis to disrupt face processing: Mirrored-self misidentification delusion and different visual media. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
Journal Article
34 (35), pp. 11517 - 11518 (2014)
Thalamus and cortex: Inseparable partners in shaping sleep slow waves? The Journal of Neuroscience 13.
Journal Article
101, pp. 796 - 808 (2014)
Granger causality revisited. Neuroimage 14.
Journal Article
40 (9), pp. 3371 - 3379 (2014)
Spontaneous local alpha oscillations predict motion-induced blindness. The European Journal of Neuroscience 15.
Journal Article
: A weighted and directed interareal connectivity matrix for macaque cerebral cortex. Cerebral Cortex 24 (1), pp. 17 - 36 (2014)
Journal Article
24 (1), pp. 119 - 142 (2014)
Membrane resonance enables stable and robust gamma oscillations. Cerebral Cortex 17.
Journal Article
8, 509 (2014)
Semantic mechanisms may be responsible for developing synesthesia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 18.
Journal Article
34 (16), pp. 5603 - 5612 (2014)
TMS-EEG signatures of GABAergic neurotransmission in the human cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 19.
Journal Article
8, 108 (2014)
Spike avalanches in vivo suggest a driven, slightly subcritical brain state. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 20.
Journal Article
: Source-reconstruction of event-related fields reveals hyperfunction and hypofunction of cortical circuits in antipsychotic-naive, first-episode schizophrenia patients during mooney face processing. The Journal of Neuroscience 34 (17), pp. 5909 - 5917 (2014)