Scientific Publications

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Bigelow, R. W.; Freund, H.-J.: An MNDO and CNDO / S(S + DES CI) study on the structural and electronic properties of a model squaraine dye and related cyanine. Chemical Physics 107 (2-3), pp. 159 - 174 (1986)
Journal Article
Fink, J.; Scheerer, B.; Wernet, W.; Monkenbusch, M.; Wegner, G.; Freund, H.-J.; Gonska, H.: Electronic structure of pyrrole-based conducting polymers: An electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy study. Physical Review B 34 (2), pp. 1101 - 1115 (1986)
Journal Article
Freund, H.-J.; Kossmann, H.; Schmidt, V.: Photoionization of inner valence electrons of CO2 in the gas phase: a synchrotron radiation study using photon energies between 40 AND 100 eV. Chemical Physics Letters 123 (6), pp. 463 - 470 (1986)
Journal Article
Freund, H.-J.; Messmer, R.P.: On the bonding and reactivity of CO2 on metal surfaces. Surface Science 172 (1), pp. 1 - 30 (1986)
Journal Article
Freund, H.-J.; Messmer, R. P.; Spiess, W.; Behner, H.; Wedler, G.; Kao, C. M.: Interpretation of electronic excitations in coordinated CO systems as observed by electron-energy-loss spectroscopy. Physical Review B 33 (8), pp. 5228 - 5240 (1986)
Journal Article
Freund, H.-J.; Rogozik, J.; Dose, V.; Neumann, M.: Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopic study of the system CO/Ni(110): Strong intermolecular interaction. Surface Science 175 (3), pp. 651 - 658 (1986)
Journal Article
Goschnick, A.; Wolf, M.; Unertl, W. N.; Grunze, M.; Block, J. H.; Loboda-Cackovic, J.: Adsorption of O2 on Pd(110). Surface Science 178 (1-3), pp. 831 - 841 (1986)
Journal Article
Kuhlenbeck, H.; Neumann, M.; Freund, H.-J.: Electronic and geometric structure of CO on Ni(110): Experiment and theory. Surface Science 173 (1), pp. 194 - 214 (1986)
Journal Article
Meijer, G.; Meulen, J. J. t.; Andresen, P.; Bath, A.: Sensitive quantum state selective detection of H2O and D2O by (2+1)‐resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization. The Journal of Chemical Physics 85 (12), pp. 6914 - 9322 (1986)
Journal Article
Messmer, R.P.; Schultz, P.A.; Tatar, R.C.; Freund, H.-J.: Theoretical evidence for "bent bonds" in the CO2 molecule. Chemical Physics Letters 126 (2), pp. 176 - 180 (1986)
Journal Article
Pulm, H.; Hohlneicher, G.; Freund, H.-J.; Schuster, H.-U.; Drews, J.; Eberv, U.: Charge distribution in some ternary vintl phases as studied by v-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of the Less Common Metals 115 (1), pp. 127 - 243 (1986)
Journal Article
Schmeißer, D.; Lyo, I. W.; Greuter, F.; Plummer, E. W.; Freund, H.-J.; Seel, M.: Photoemission from Ordered Physisorbed Molecular Phases N2/Graphite, N2 and CO/Ag(lll). Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft 90 (3), pp. 228 - 231 (1986)
Journal Article
Slaughter, A. R.; Banna, M. S.; Bigelow, R. W.; Pulm, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Vapor Phase X-Ray Core-Photoelectron Spectra of N,N-Dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline. An Experimental and Theoretical Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society 108 (8), pp. 1891 - 1805 (1986)
Journal Article
Ubachs, W.; Meijer, G.; Meulen, J. J. t.; Dymanus, A.: Hyperfine structure and lifetime of the C 2Σ+, v=0 state of CH. The Journal of Chemical Physics 84 (6), pp. 3032 - 3041 (1986)
Journal Article
Ubachs, W.; Meijer, G.; Meulen, J.J. t.; Dymanus, A.: High-resolution spectroscopy on the c1Π ← a1Δ transition in NH. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 115 (1), pp. 88 - 104 (1986)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Scheffler, M.; Scherz, U.: Resonant Raman scattering at point defects in GaAs. In: Defects in Semiconductors, pp. 353 - 358 (Ed. von Bardeleben, H.J.). Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Switzerland (1986)
Book Chapter
Weinert, C. M.; Scheffler, M.: Chalcogen and vacancy pairs in silicon: Electronic structure and stabilities. In: Defects in Semiconductors, pp. 25 - 30 (Ed. von Bardeleben, H.J.). Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Switzerland (1986)

Thesis - PhD (6)

Thesis - PhD
Döhl-Oelze, R.: Oberflächenphysikalische Untersuchungen und elektrochemische Bedeutung der Wasseradsorption of alkalibedeckten, metallischen Einkristalloberflächen. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (1986)
Thesis - PhD
Genz, A.: Laser-Temperatursprungmessungen an Modellsystemen für biologische Membranen. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (1986)
Thesis - PhD
Gerolymatou, A.; Gerischer, H.: Oberflächenverstärkte Ramanstreuung an Ag-Sol/Farbstoff Systemen. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (1986)