Journal Article (1595)

Journal Article
Suckert, L.: Back to the Future: Sociological Perspectives on Expectations, Aspirations and Imagined Futures. European Journal of Sociology 63 (3), pp. 393 - 428 (2022)
Journal Article
Suckert, L.; Ergen, T.: Contested Futures: Reimagining Energy Infrastructures in the First Oil Crisis. Historical Social Research 47 (4), pp. 242 - 266 (2022)
Journal Article
Tassinari, A.: Labour Market Policy in Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan: Same Old or a New Departure? Contemporary Italian Politics 14 (4), pp. 441 - 457 (2022)
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Tassinari, A.: Power or Partisanship? Populist Parties in Power and Social Concertation: The Case of the Italian Yellow-Green Government, 2018-2019. Stato e Mercato (2), pp. 231 - 259 (2022)
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Tassinari, A.; Donaghey, J.; Galetto, M.: Puzzling Choices in Hard Times: Union Ideologies of Social Concertation in the Great Recession. Industrial Relations 61 (1), pp. 109 - 134 (2022)
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Toplišek, A.; Oellerich, N.; Simons, J. P.; Eihmanis, E.: Path Dependency and Partisan Interests: Explaining COVID-19 Social Support Programmes in East-Central Europe. East European Politics 38 (4), pp. 641 - 661 (2022)
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Hanson, T.; Helbling, M.; Maxwell, R.; Traunmüller, R.; Gemenis, K.; Littvay, L.: Developing a COVID-19 Module for the European Social Survey. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences 3, 9 (2021)
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Streeck, W.: El Sistema de Estados Internacional después del Neoliberalismo: Europa entre la Democracia Nacional y la Centralización Supranacional. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social 1 (1), pp. 99 - 123 (2021)
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Schenk, P.: Karpik in the Bottle: Can Judgment Devices Explain the Demand for Fine Wine? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 73 (2), pp. 177 - 200 (2021)
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Çelebi, E.; Özbey, E. E.: For Women in Turkey, the Struggle Continues. Social Europe (2021)
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Beckert, J.: The Firm as an Engine of Imagination: Organizational Prospection and the Making of Economic Futures. Organization Theory 2 (2) (2021)
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Dukes, R.; Streeck, W.: Putting the Brakes on the Spread of Indecent Work. Social Europe (2021)
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Baccaro, L.; Bremer, B.; Neimanns, E.: Till Austerity Do Us Part? A Survey Experiment on Support for the Euro in Italy. European Union Politics 22 (3), pp. 401 - 423 (2021)
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Barnard, A. V.; Fourcade, M.: Das Unbehagen an der Ordinalisierung. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 73 (supplement issue 1), pp. 113 - 135 (2021)
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Beckert, J.: Les fictions comme moteur du capitalisme. Regards croisés sur l'économie (29), pp. 190 - 199 (2021)
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Beckert, J.; Suckert, L.: The Future as a Social Fact: The Analysis of Perceptions of the Future in Sociology. Poetics 84, 101499 (2021)
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Billows, S.; Kohl, S.; Tarissan, F.: Bureaucrats or Ideologues? EU Merger Control as Market‐Centred Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (4), pp. 762 - 781 (2021)
Journal Article
Braun, B.; Krampf, A.; Murau, S.: Financial Globalization as Positive Integration: Monetary Technocrats and the Eurodollar Market in the 1970s. Review of International Political Economy 28 (4), pp. 794 - 819 (2021)
Journal Article
Bulfone, F.; Tassinari, A.: Under Pressure: Economic Constraints, Electoral Politics and Labour Market Reforms in Southern Europe in the Decade of the Great Recession. European Journal of Political Research 60 (3), pp. 509 - 538 (2021)
Journal Article
Carter, E.: Desperately Seeking Happy Chickens: Producer Dynamics and Consumer Politics in Quality Agricultural Supply Chains. International Journal of Social Economics 48 (7), pp. 933 - 946 (2021)
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