Journal Article (1595)

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Lillie, K.: Adaptations to Global Changes: Strategic Evolutions of an Elite School, 1961–2011. History of Education 51 (2), pp. 286 - 303 (2022)
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Lillie, K.; Matzer, L.; Riettiens, L.: Power Relations, Preservation and Voice: Introducing the Special Issue on Writing Histories of Education with Autobiographical Materials. Paedagogica Historica 58 (3), pp. 321 - 328 (2022)
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Limberg, J.: Banking Crises and the Modern Tax State. Socio-Economic Review 20 (1), pp. 29 - 54 (2022)
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Marktanner, A.: Neue Quellen der Beratungsforschung: Marvin Bowers "Perspective on McKinsey". Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 70 (1), pp. 89 - 102 (2022)
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Meardi, G.; Tassinari, A.: Crisis Corporatism 2.0? The Role of Social Dialogue in the Pandemic Crisis in Europe. Transfer 28 (1), pp. 83 - 100 (2022)
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Neimanns, E.: Preferences, Vote Choice, and the Politics of Social Investment: Addressing the Puzzle of Unequal Benefits of Childcare Provision. Journal of Social Policy 51 (4), pp. 945 - 964 (2022)
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Neimanns, E.: Making Mothers Stay at Home? Analyzing the Impact of Partisan Cueing on Attitudes Toward Maternal Employment. Social Politics 29 (3), jxab035, pp. 831 - 855 (2022)
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Pasqualini, M.; Dominguez Folgueras, M.; Ferragina, E.; Godechot, O.; Recchi, E.; Safi, M.: Who Took Care of What? The Gender Division of Unpaid Work during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in France. Demographic Research 46, 34, pp. 1163 - 1186 (2022)
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Pauw, W. P.; Kempa, L.; Moslener, U.; Grüning, C.; Çevik, C.: A Focus on Market Imperfections Can Help Governments to Mobilize Private Investments in Adaptation. Climate and Development 14 (1), pp. 91 - 97 (2022)
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Pullan, D.: PhD Stipends: A Thing of the Past? Offspring Magazine, pp. 3 - 9 (2022)
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Rathgeb, P.; Tassinari, A.: How the Eurozone Disempowers Trade Unions: The Political Economy of Competitive Internal Devaluation. Socio-Economic Review 20 (1), pp. 323 - 350 (2022)
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Rilinger, G.: Discursive Multivocality: How the Proliferation of Economic Language Can Undermine the Political Influence of Economists. Socio-Economic Review 20 (4), pp. 1991 - 2015 (2022)
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Rossignol-Brunet, M.; Tenret, É.; Barraud de Lagerie, P.; Oberti, M.; Savina, Y.: Reconfiguration du champ des formations en sciences humaines en Île-de-France: Le poids de la sélection. Éducation & Formations (103), pp. 136 - 155 (2022)
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Rothstein, S. A.: How Workers Mobilize in Financializing Firms: A Theory of Discursive Opportunism. British Journal of Industrial Relations 60 (1), pp. 57 - 77 (2022)
Journal Article
Schürmann, L.; Stamm, I.; Scheidgen, K.: Die Gegenwart der Krise als Erosion unternehmerischer Zukünfte: Eine Untersuchung der subjektiven Deutungs- und Bearbeitungsmuster Soloselbstständiger von der Corona-Pandemie. Arbeit 31 (1-2), pp. 77 - 94 (2022)
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Sebők, M.; Simons, J.: How Orbán Won? Neoliberal Disenchantment and the Grand Strategy of Financial Nationalism to Reconstruct Capitalism and Regain Autonomy. Socio-Economic Review 20 (4), pp. 1625 - 1651 (2022)
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Stamm, I.; Gutzeit, M.: Group Conditions for Entrepreneurial Visions: Role Confidence, Hierarchical Congruences, and the Imagining of Future in Entrepreneurial Groups. Small Business Economics 59 (3), pp. 1023 - 1041 (2022)
Journal Article
Stamm, I.; Schürmann, L.; Scheidgen, K.; Berwing, S.; Maibaum, A.: Marktabhängigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für die Grenzziehungen von Solidarität. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 51 (4), pp. 365 - 384 (2022)
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Streeck, W.: The EU After Ukraine. American Affairs 6 (2), pp. 107 - 124 (2022)
Journal Article
Suckert, L.: Eine Neuordnung der Zeit? Zum Verhältnis von Zeitlichkeit, Kapitalismus und Staat im Zeichen der Pandemie. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 32 (1), pp. 123 - 152 (2022)
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