Journal Article (1597)

Journal Article
Gasparri, S.; Tassinari, A.: "Smart" Industrial Relations in the Making? Insights from Analysis of Union Responses to Digitalization in Italy. Relations industrielles 75 (4), pp. 796 - 817 (2020)
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Gemenis, K.: Ποιοι πιστεύουν στις θεωρίες συνωμοσίας για τον νέο κορωνοϊό. Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών (154), pp. 97 - 108 (2020)
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Grothe-Hammer, M.; Kohl, S.: The Decline of Organizational Sociology? An Empirical Analysis of Research Trends in Leading Journals Across Half a Century. Current Sociology 68 (4), pp. 419 - 442 (2020)
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Gruber, S.: Un momento constituyente para re-imaginar la economía. Quehacer segunda época (6) (2020)
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Hadziabdic, S.: The Curious Case of the Grumpy Union Member. Swiss Journal of Sociology 46 (3), pp. 489 - 514 (2020)
Journal Article
Hadziabdic, S.; Baccaro, L.: A Switch or a Process? Disentangling the Effects of Union Membership on Political Attitudes in Switzerland and the UK. Industrial Relations 59 (3), pp. 466 - 499 (2020)
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Höpner, M.: Karlsruhe verdient Anerkennung: Zum PSPP-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 5. Mai 2020. Wirtschaftsdienst 100 (6), pp. 441 - 445 (2020)
Journal Article
Höpner, M.; Schmidt, S. K.: Can We Make the European Fundamental Freedoms Less Constraining? A Literature Review. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 22, pp. 182 - 204 (2020)
Journal Article
Hyman, M.: When Policy Feedback Fails: "Collective Cooling" in Detroit's Municipal Bankruptcy. Theory and Society 49 (4), pp. 633 - 668 (2020)
Journal Article
Kalyukin, A.; Kohl, S.: Continuities and Discontinuities of Russian Urban Housing: The Soviet Housing Experiment in Historical Long-Term Perspective. Urban Studies 57 (8), pp. 1768 - 1785 (2020)
Journal Article
Kohl, S.: The Political Economy of Homeownership: A Comparative Analysis of Homeownership Ideology through Party Manifestos. Socio-Economic Review 18 (4), pp. 913 - 940 (2020)
Journal Article
Koutsimpogiorgos, N.; van Slageren, J.; Herrmann, A. M.; Frenken, K.: Conceptualizing the Gig Economy and Its Regulatory Problems. Policy & Internet 12 (4), pp. 525 - 545 (2020)
Journal Article
Lazarus, J.; Lacan, L.: Toward a Relational Sociology of Credit: An Exploration of the French Literature. Socio-Economic Review 18 (2), pp. 575 - 597 (2020)
Journal Article
Limberg, J.: What’s Fair? Preferences for Tax Progressivity in the Wake of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Public Policy 40 (2), pp. 171 - 193 (2020)
Journal Article
Lutter, M.; Roex, K.; Tisch, D.: Anomie or Imitation? The Werther Effect of Celebrity Suicides on Suicide Rates in 34 OECD Countries, 1960–2014. Social Science & Medicine 246, 112755 (2020)
Journal Article
Lutter, M.; Schröder, M.: Is There a Motherhood Penalty in Academia? The Gendered Effect of Children on Academic Publications in German Sociology. European Sociological Review 36 (3), pp. 442 - 459 (2020)
Journal Article
Madariaga, A.: The Three Pillars of Neoliberalism: Chile’s Economic Policy Trajectory in Comparative Perspective. Contemporary Politics 26 (3), pp. 308 - 329 (2020)
Journal Article
Madariaga, A.; Rovira Kaltwasser, C.: Right-Wing Moderation, Left-Wing Inertia and Political Cartelisation in Post-Transition Chile. Journal of Latin American Studies 52 (2), pp. 343 - 371 (2020)
Journal Article
Monninger, D.: Flexibilität, Anpassung, Selbstorganisation: Das Tavistock Institute of Human Relations und die Gruppe als therapeutisches Objekt. Mittelweg 36 28-29 (6-1), pp. 92 - 113 (2020)
Journal Article
Müller-Jentsch, W.; Rehder, B.; Rothstein, S. A.; Schulze-Cleven, T.: Debating Lessons from Germany After the Social Democratic Century. German Politics 29 (3), pp. 522 - 543 (2020)
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