Journal Article (1597)

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Olcoń-Kubicka, M.: Pursuit of Fairness in Household Financial Arrangements Among Young Middle-Class Couples in Poland. Journal of Consumer Culture 20 (2), pp. 156 - 174 (2020)
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Pariboni, R.; Tridico, P.: Structural Change, Institutions and the Dynamics of Labor Productivity in Europe. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 30 (5), pp. 1275 - 1300 (2020)
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Rona-Tas, A.: Predicting the Future: Art and Algorithms. Socio-Economic Review 18 (3), pp. 893 - 911 (2020)
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Rona-Tas, A.: Body, Virus, Morals, and Scandals. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21 (3), pp. 1 - 3 (2020)
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Rothstein, S. A.; Schulze-Cleven, T.: Beyond Stability: Rethinking Germany’s Political Economy. German Politics 29 (3), pp. 289 - 296 (2020)
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Rothstein, S. A.; Schulze-Cleven, T.: Germany After the Social Democratic Century: The Political Economy of Imbalance. German Politics 29 (3), pp. 297 - 318 (2020)
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Seeliger, M.; Wagner, I.: A Socialization Paradox: Trade Union Policy Cooperation in the Case of the Enforcement Directive of the Posting of Workers Directive. Socio-Economic Review 18 (4), pp. 1113 - 1131 (2020)
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Streeck, W.: The International State System After Neoliberalism: Europe Between National Democracy and Supranational Centralization. Crisis and Critique 7 (1), pp. 214 - 234 (2020)
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Streeck, W.: Engels's Second Theory: Technology, Warfare and the Growth of the State. New Left Review (123), pp. 75 - 88 (2020)
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Streeck, W.: Engels sociologo empirico: Tecnologia, guerra e crescita dello Stato. MicroMega (8), pp. 215 - 230 (2020)
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Tomaskovic-Devey, D.; Rainey, A.; Avent-Holt, D.; Bandelj, N.; Boza, I.; Cort, D.; Godechot, O.; Hajdu, G.; Hällsten, M.; Henriksen, L. F. et al.; Hermansen, A. S.; Hou, F.; Jung, J.; Kanjuo-Mrčela, A.; King, J.; Kodama, N.; Kristal, T.; Křížková, A.; Lippényi, Z.; Melzer, S. M.; Mun, E.; Penner, A.; Petersen, T.; Poje, A.; Safi, M.; Thaning, M.; Tufail, Z.: Rising Between-Workplace Inequalities in High-Income Countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (17), pp. 9277 - 9283 (2020)
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van der Heide, A.: Making Financial Uncertainty Count: Unit‐Linked Insurance, Investment and the Individualisation of Financial Risk in British Life Insurance. British Journal of Sociology 71 (5), pp. 985 - 999 (2020)
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