Journal Article (1597)

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Gorbach, D.: Underground Waterlines: Explaining Political Quiescence of Ukrainian Labor Unions. Focaal (84), pp. 33 - 46 (2019)
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Habinek, J.; Haveman, H. A.: Professionals and Populists: The Making of a Free Market for Medicine in the United States, 1787–1860. Socio-Economic Review 17 (1), pp. 81 - 108 (2019)
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Haffert, L.: Permanent Budget Surpluses as a Fiscal Regime. Socio-Economic Review 17 (4), pp. 1043 - 1063 (2019)
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Kalaitzake, M.: Accounting for Success: The Big Four as Allies of Finance in Post Crisis Regulatory Reform. Business and Politics 21 (3), pp. 297 - 326 (2019)
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Kapeller, J.; Meyer, D.: Introduction: Change and Persistence in Contemporary Economics. Science in Context 32 (4), pp. 357 - 360 (2019)
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Kastner, L.: From Outsiders to Insiders: A Civil Society Perspective on EU Financial Reforms. Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (2), pp. 223 - 241 (2019)
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Kholodilin, K.; Kohl, S.: Strenge Regulierung des Mietmarkts kann zulasten der MieterInnen gehen. wohnen – ZdW Bayern (5), pp. 204 - 207 (2019)
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Kholodilin, K.; Kohl, S.: Verdrängung oder Sozialpolitik? Einfluss von Regulierungen auf die Wohneigentumsquote. Wirtschaftsdienst 99 (5), pp. 363 - 366 (2019)
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Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.: Die Regulierung des Wohnungsmarkts hat weltweit zum Siegeszug des Eigenheims beigetragen. DIW Wochenbericht (38), pp. 701 - 709 (2019)
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Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.: Housing Market Regulation Has Contributed to the Worldwide Triumph of Home Ownership. DIW Weekly Report (38), pp. 345 - 352 (2019)
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Koddenbrock, K.: Money and Moneyness: Thoughts on the Nature and Distributional Power of the ‘Backbone’ of Capitalist Political Economy. Journal of Cultural Economy 12 (2), pp. 101 - 118 (2019)
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Kopper, M.: Porous Infrastructures and the Politics of Upward Mobility in Brazil's Public Housing. Economic Anthropology 6 (1), pp. 73 - 85 (2019)
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Kopper, M.: Políticas públicas e suas pós-vidas: Merecimento e cidadania habitacional no Brasil da mobilidade social. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 34 (99), e349913 (2019)
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Kopper, M.; Ide, I. H.: Do Estado ao Empreendedorismo Social: Burocracias cotidianas, risco moral e gestão da vulnerabilidade em uma empresa de regularização fundiária em São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Sociologia 7 (15), pp. 30 - 52 (2019)
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Kopper, M.: Tecnologias e sujeitos da participação: A mobilização política dos camelôs porto-alegrenses. Etnográfica 23 (1), pp. 87 - 108 (2019)
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Korom, P.: A Bibliometric Visualization of the Economics and Sociology of Wealth Inequality: A World Apart? Scientometrics 118 (3), pp. 849 - 868 (2019)
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Krarup, T.: The Collateral Liquidity Problem in Contemporary Finance and the Resurrection of Quantity Theory. Competition & Change 23 (3), pp. 245 - 265 (2019)
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Krarup, T.: "Ordo" versus "Ordnung": Catholic or Lutheran Roots of German Ordoliberal Economic Theory? International Review of Economics 66 (3), pp. 305 - 323 (2019)
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Krarup, T.: Between Competition and Centralization: The New Infrastructures of European Finance. Economy and Society 48 (1), pp. 107 - 126 (2019)
Journal Article
Krarup, T.: German Political and Economic Ideology in the Twentieth Century and its Theological Problems: The Lutheran Genealogy of Ordoliberalism. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 6 (3), pp. 317 - 342 (2019)
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