Journal Article (1597)

Journal Article
Leendertz, A.: Amerikanische Policy-Forschung, Komplexität und die Krise des Regierens: Zur gesellschaftlichen Einbettung sozialwissenschaftlicher Begriffsbildung. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (1), pp. 43 - 63 (2019)
Journal Article
Limberg, J.: "Tax the Rich"? The Financial Crisis, Fiscal Fairness, and Progressive Income Taxation. European Political Science Review 11 (3), pp. 319 - 336 (2019)
Journal Article
López Rivera, A.: Global Cooperation in Amazonia: Matters of Fact and Matters of Concern. Global Cooperation Research 1 (3), pp. 16 - 17 (2019)
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Madariaga, A.: La Continuidad del Neoliberalismo en Chile. Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas 13 (2), pp. 81 - 113 (2019)
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Madariaga, A.: El resurgimiento de la economía política en la ciencia política actual. Revista de Economía Institucional 21 (41), pp. 21 - 50 (2019)
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Nachtwey, O.; Seeliger, M.: Der Wandel von Economic Citizenship im Zuge der europäischen Integration. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48 (5-6), pp. 333 - 348 (2019)
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Rahman, K. S.; Thelen, K. A.: The Rise of the Platform Business Model and the Transformation of Twenty-First-Century Capitalism. Politics & Society 47 (2), pp. 177 - 204 (2019)
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Roex, K.; Huijts, T.; Sieben, I.: Attitudes Towards Income Inequality: 'Winners' versus 'Losers' of the Perceived Meritocracy. Acta Sociologica 62 (1), pp. 47 - 63 (2019)
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Scharpf, F. W.; della Porta, D.; Brunkhorst, H.; Eigmüller, M.; Seeliger, M.: A Search for Alternatives: Hauke Brunkhorst, Donatella della Porta and Fritz W. Scharpf on the State of the European Integration. Culture, Practice & Europeanization 4 (1), pp. 165 - 174 (2019)
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Schrank, A.; González, F.; Madariaga, A.: Bringing Development Back into (Economic) Sociology: Andrew Schrank Interviewed by Felipe González and Aldo Madariaga. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 20 (3), pp. 19 - 28 (2019)
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Seeliger, M.: Trade Union Politics as a Countermovement? A Polaniyan Perspective. Culture, Practice & Europeanization 4 (1), pp. 5 - 23 (2019)
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Serafin, M.: Cabdrivers and Their Fares: Temporal Structures of a Linking Ecology. Sociological Theory 37 (2), pp. 117 - 141 (2019)
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Soener, M.: Profiting in a Warming World: Investigating the Link Between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Capitalist Profitability in OECD States. Sociological Forum 34 (4), pp. 974 - 998 (2019)
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Soener, M.; Nau, M.: Citadels of Privilege: The Rise of LLCs, LPs and the Perpetuation of Elite Power in America. Economy and Society 48 (3), pp. 399 - 425 (2019)
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Sonntag, N.: Anmerkungen zum Gebrauch der Netzwerkanalyse in der Neoliberalismusforschung. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 29 (1-2), pp. 151 - 169 (2019)
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Streeck, W.: Reflections on Political Scale. Jurisprudence 10 (1), pp. 1 - 14 (2019)
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Streeck, W.: Der alltägliche Kommunismus: Eine neue Ökonomie für eine neue Linke. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 64 (6), pp. 93 - 105 (2019)
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Streeck, W.: Progressive Regression: Metamorphoses of European Social Policy. New Left Review (118), pp. 117 - 139 (2019)
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Thelen, K. A.: Transitions to the Knowledge Economy in Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Comparative Politics 51 (2), pp. 295 - 315 (2019)
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