Journal Article (1595)

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Bremer, B.; Bürgisser, R.: Do Citizens Care About Government Debt? Evidence from Survey Experiments on Budgetary Priorities. European Journal of Political Research 62 (1), pp. 239 - 263 (2023)
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Bremer, B.; Bürgisser, R.: Public Opinion on Welfare State Recalibration in Times of Austerity: Evidence from Survey Experiments. Political Science Research and Methods 11 (1), pp. 34 - 52 (2023)
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Bremer, B.; Di Carlo, D.; Wansleben, L.: The Constrained Politics of Local Public Investment Under Cooperative Federalism. Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), pp. 1007 - 1034 (2023)
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Bremer, B.; Rennwald, L.: Who Still Likes Social Democracy? The Support Base of Social Democratic Parties Reconsidered. Party Politics 29 (4), pp. 741 - 754 (2023)
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Bulfone, F.: Industrial Policy and Comparative Political Economy: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Competition & Change 27 (1), pp. 22 - 43 (2023)
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Bulfone, F.; Ergen, T.; Kalaitzake, M.: No Strings Attached: Corporate Welfare, State Intervention, and the Issue of Conditionality. Competition & Change 27 (2), pp. 253 - 276 (2023)
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Bürgisser, R.; Di Carlo, D.: Blessing or Curse? The Rise of Tourism-Led Growth in Europe's Southern Periphery. Journal of Common Market Studies 61 (1), pp. 236 - 258 (2023)
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Cova, J.: Politicizing the Minimum Wage: A Multilingual Text Analysis of Minimum Wages in European Electoral Manifestos. Journal of European Social Policy 33 (4), pp. 469 - 483 (2023)
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Crouch, C.: Diseguaglianze e democrazia negoziale. Il Mulino 72 (1), pp. 134 - 144 (2023)
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Crouch, C.: Auf dem Weg in die Postdemokratie: Wo stehen wir heute? Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (3), pp. 382 - 395 (2023)
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Denardi, L. E.; Wang, Z.; Baumann, C.: Las diásporas chinas en España y Argentina: Una tipología para analizar las relaciones diáspora-Estado en el caso chino. Migraciones (59) (2023)
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Di Carlo, D.: Beyond Neo-Corporatism: State Employers and the Special-Interest Politics of Public Sector Wage-Setting. Journal of European Public Policy 30 (5), pp. 967 - 994 (2023)
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Di Carlo, D.; Schmitz, L.: Europe First? The Rise of EU Industrial Policy Promoting and Protecting the Single Market. Journal of European Public Policy 30 (10), pp. 2063 - 2096 (2023)
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Dukes, R.; Streeck, W.: Labour Law After Neoliberalism? Journal of Law and Society 50 (2), pp. 165 - 184 (2023)
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Ergen, T.; Kohl, S.; Braun, B.: Firm Foundations: The Statistical Footprint of Multinational Corporations as a Problem for Political Economy. Competition & Change 27 (1), pp. 44 - 73 (2023)
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Ergen, T.; Rademacher, I.: The Silicon Valley Imaginary: US Corporate Tax Reform in the 1980s. Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), pp. 935 - 957 (2023)
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Fourcade, M.; Beckert, J.; Fligstein, N.; Carruthers, B. G.: Reflections on the Field of Socio-Economics. Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), pp. 703 - 720 (2023)
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Garritzmann, J. L.; Neimanns, E.; Busemeyer, M. R.: Public Opinion towards Welfare State Reform: The Role of Political Trust and Government Satisfaction. European Journal of Political Research 62 (1), pp. 197 - 220 (2023)
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Göçmen, İ.; Kılıç, A.: Türkiye’de yumurta dondurma: Kadınlar nasıl karar veriyor? Toplum ve Bilim (163), pp. 168 - 185 (2023)
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Godechot, O.; Neumann, N.; Apascaritei, P.; Boza, I.; Hallsten, M.; Henriksen, L.; Hermansen, A.; Hou, F.; Jung, J.; Kodama, N. et al.; Křížková, A.; Lippényi, Z.; Elvira, M. M.; Melzer, S. M.; Mun, E.; Sabanci, H.; Soener, M.; Thaning, M.: Ups and Downs in Finance, Ups without Downs in Inequality. Socio-Economic Review 21 (3), pp. 1601 - 1627 (2023)
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