Journal Article (1595)

Journal Article
Golka, P.; Murau, S.; Thie, J.-E.: Public Sustainable Finance: Von nachhaltigen Finanzmärkten zur sozialökologischen Transformation. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 92 (1), pp. 97 - 112 (2023)
Journal Article
Günther, W.; Höpner, M.: Why Does Germany Abstain from Statutory Bargaining Extensions? Explaining the Exceptional German Erosion of Collective Wage Bargaining. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44 (1), pp. 88 - 108 (2023)
Journal Article
Höpner, M.: Europa-Kolumne: Die Europäische Zentralbank im Blindflug. Merkur 77 (889), pp. 49 - 56 (2023)
Journal Article
Höpner, M.: Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament: Plädoyer für eine offene Debatte. WSI-Mitteilungen 76 (6), p. 141 (2023)
Journal Article
Höpner, M.; Di Carlo, D.: Die sektorale Logik der deutschen Lohnzurückhaltung. Sozialer Fortschritt 72 (5), pp. 397 - 414 (2023)
Journal Article
Hoppe, A.: Coordinating Transnational Futurework in Fashion Design. Socio-Economic Review 21 (1), pp. 243 - 265 (2023)
Journal Article
Kemmerling, M.; Trampusch, C.: Digital Power Resources (DPR): The Political Economy of Structural and Infrastructural Business Power in Digital(ized) Capitalism. Socio-Economic Review 21 (4), pp. 1851 - 1876 (2023)
Journal Article
Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.: Social Policy or Crowding-Out? Tenant Protection in Comparative Long-Run Perspective. Housing Studies 38 (4), pp. 707 - 743 (2023)
Journal Article
Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.: Rent Price Control – Yet Another Great Equalizer of Economic Inequalities? Evidence from a Century of Historical Data. Journal of European Social Policy 33 (2), pp. 169 - 184 (2023)
Journal Article
Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.: Do Rent Controls and Other Tenancy Regulations Affect New Construction? Some Answers from Long-Run Historical Evidence. International Journal of Housing Policy 23 (4), pp. 671 - 691 (2023)
Journal Article
Kholodilin, K. A.; Kohl, S.; Korzhenevych, A.; Pfeiffer, L.: The Hidden Homeownership Welfare State: An International Long-Term Perspective on the Tax Treatment of Homeowners. Journal of Public Policy 43 (1), pp. 86 - 114 (2023)
Journal Article
López Rivera, A.: Diversifying Boundary Organizations: The Making of a Global Platform for Indigenous (and Local) Knowledge in the UNFCCC. Global Environmental Politics 23 (4), pp. 52 - 72 (2023)
Journal Article
Mazur, J.; Serafin, M.: Stalling the State: How Digital Platforms Contribute to and Profit From Delays in the Enforcement and Adoption of Regulations. Comparative Political Studies 56 (1), pp. 101 - 130 (2023)
Journal Article
Moreno, G.: On Studying Money from the Top Down: A Comment on "Inflation – Pragmatics of Money and Inflationary Sensoria" by Federico Neiburg. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 24 (3), pp. 31 - 33 (2023)
Journal Article
Neimanns, E.: Welfare States, Media Ownership and Attitudes Towards Redistribution. Journal of European Public Policy 30 (2), pp. 234 - 253 (2023)
Journal Article
Pool, H.: Grenzen, Gefahr und Geld: Flucht aus wirtschaftssoziologischer Perspektive. Soziologie 52 (2), pp. 199 - 206 (2023)
Journal Article
Rilinger, G.: Who Captures Whom? Regulatory Misperceptions and the Timing of Cognitive Capture. Regulation & Governance 17 (1), pp. 43 - 60 (2023)
Journal Article
Rilinger, G.: Conceptual Limits of Performativity: Assessing the Feasibility of Market Design Blueprints. Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), pp. 885 - 908 (2023)
Journal Article
Roberts, D. T.; Sarkar, A.; Shachar, O.: Liquidity Regulations, Bank Lending and Fire-Sale Risk. Journal of Banking & Finance 156, 107007 (2023)
Journal Article
Rommerskirchen, C.; van der Heide, A.: The Quiet Side of Debt: Public Debt Management in Advanced Economies. Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), pp. 1151 - 1170 (2023)
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