Journal Article (6122)

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Bergström, J.; Karemaker, V.; Marseglia, S.: Polarizations of abelian varieties over finite fields via canonical liftings. International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 (4), pp. 3194 - 3248 (2023)
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Bienvenu, P.-Y.; Girard, B.; Lê, T. H.: On additive bases in infinite abelian semigroups. Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 7 (1/2), pp. 1 - 44 (2023)
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Bienvenu, P.-Y.; Shao, X.; Teräväinen, J.: A transference principle for systems of linear equations, and applications to almost twin primes. Algebra & Number Theory 17 (2), pp. 497 - 539 (2023)
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Blanco, J.; Uribe, B.; Waldorf, K.: Pontrjagin duality on multiplicative Gerbes. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 17 (4), pp. 1469 - 1520 (2023)
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Bloch, S.; de Jong, R.; Sertöz, E. C.: Computing heights via limits of Hodge structures. Experimental Mathematics (accepted)
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Blohmann, C.; Ronchi, S.; Weinstein, A.: Hamiltonian Lie algebroids over Poisson manifolds. Journal of Symplectic Geometry (accepted)
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Blomer, V.; Grimmelt, L.; Li, J.; Myerson, S. L. R.: Additive problems with almost prime squares. Geometric and Functional Analysis 33 (5), pp. 1173 - 1242 (2023)
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Blomer, V.; Jana, S.; Nelson, P. D.: The Weyl bound for triple product L-functions. Duke Mathematical Journal 172 (6), pp. 1173 - 1234 (2023)
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Bogo, G.: Modular forms, deformation of punctured spheres, and extensions of symmetric tensor representations. Mathematical Research Letters 30 (5), pp. 1335 - 1355 (2023)
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Bogo, G.; Nikdelan, Y.: Ramanujan systems of Rankin-Cohen type and hyperbolic triangles. Forum Mathematicum 35 (6), pp. 1609 - 1629 (2023)
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Boileau, F.; Morin-Duchesne, A.; Saint-Aubin, Y.: Fusion hierarchies, T-systems and Y-systems for the dilute A2(2) loop models on a strip. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2023 (3), 033102 (2023)
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Bondarko, M. V.; Vostokov, S. V.: Killing weights from the perspective of t-structures. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 320 (1), pp. 51 - 61 (2023)
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Borot, G.; Bouttier , J.; Duplantier , B.: Nesting statistics in the O(n) loop model on random planar maps. Communications in Mathematical Physics 404 (3), pp. 1125 - 1229 (2023)
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