Journal Article (6122)

Journal Article
Borot, G.; Charbonnier, S.; Delecroix, V.; Giacchetto, A.; Wheeler, C.: Around the combinatorial unit ball of measured foliations on bordered surfaces. International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 (17), pp. 14464 - 14514 (2023)
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Borot, G.; Do, N.; Karev, M.; Lewański, D.; Moskovsky, E.: Double Hurwitz numbers: polynomiality, topological recursion and intersection theory. Mathematische Annalen 387 (1-2), pp. 179 - 243 (2023)
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Bouilly, Y.; Faraco, G.: Modular orbits on the representation spaces of compact abelian Lie groups. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 17 (2), pp. 719 - 749 (2023)
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Boyd, R.; Kastenholz, T.; Mutanguha, J. P.: The minimal genus problem for right angled Artin groups. Geometriae Dedicata 217 (5), 93 (2023)
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Boylan, H.: Jacobi-Eisenstein series over number fields. Journal of Number Theory 248, pp. 54 - 77 (2023)
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Brandhorst, S.; Cattaneo, A.: Prime order isometries of unimodular lattices and automorphisms of IHS manifolds. International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 (18), pp. 15584 - 15638 (2023)
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Bremner, M.; Dotsenko, V.: Associator dependent algebras and Koszul duality. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 202 (3), pp. 1233 - 1254 (2023)
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Bringmann, K.; Kaszián, J.; Milas, A.; Nazaroglu, C.: Higher depth false modular forms. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (7), 2250043 (2023)
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Brito, M.; Chari, V.: Higher order Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules, Imaginary modules and Monoidal Categorification for $U_q(A_n^{(1)})$, imaginary modules and monoidal categorification. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 804, pp. 221 - 262 (2023)
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Brumley, F.; Milićević, D.: Counting cusp forms by analytic conductor. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (accepted)
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Buciumas, V.; Ko, H.: Polynomial functors and two-parameter quantum symmetric pairs. Transformation Groups 28 (1), pp. 107 - 149 (2023)
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Buium, A.; Miller, L. E.: Perfectoid spaces arising from arithmetic jet spaces. American Journal of Mathematics 145 (1), pp. 287 - 334 (2023)
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Bychkov, B.; Gorbounov, V.; Kazakov, A.; Talalaev, D.: Electrical networks, Lagrangian Grassmannians and symplectic groups. Moscow Mathematical Journal 23 (2), pp. 133 - 167 (2023)
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Calaque, D.; Gonzalez, M.: Ellipsitomic Associators. Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France 179 (2023)
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Calegari, F.; Garoufalidis, S.; Zagier, D.: Bloch groups, algebraic K-theory, units, and Nahm's conjecture. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 56 (2), pp. 383 - 426 (2023)
Journal Article
Campagna, F.: Effective bounds on differences of singular moduli that are S-units. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 174 (2), pp. 415 - 450 (2023)
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Campagna, F.; Stevenhagen, P.: Cyclic reduction densities for elliptic curves. Research in Number Theory 9 (3), 61 (2023)
Journal Article
Cantat, S.; Regeta, A.; Xie, J.: Families of commuting automorphisms, and a characterization of the affine space. American Journal of Mathematics 145 (2), pp. 413 - 434 (2023)
Journal Article
Caraiani, A.; Gulotta, D. R.; Johansson, C.: Vanishing theorems for Shimura varieties at unipotent level. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25 (3), pp. 869 - 911 (2023)
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