Book Chapter (347)

Book Chapter
Verbitsky, M.: Singularities in hyperkähler geometry. In: Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Rome 1999, pp. 439 - 469. World Scientific, River Edge/NJ (2001)
Book Chapter
Periods. In: Mathematics Unlimited -- 2001 and Beyond, pp. 771 - 808. Springer, Berlin (2001)
Book Chapter
Askitas, N.: Grids as unknotting operations. In: Knots in Hellas, Delphi 1998, pp. 18 - 26. World Scientific, River Edge/NY (2000)
Book Chapter
Badescu, L.; Beltrametti, M.; Ionescu, P.: Almost-lines and quasi-lines on projective manifolds. In: Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry, a Volume in Memory of Michael Schneider, pp. 1 - 27. de Gruyter, Berlin (2000)
Book Chapter
Cornelissen, G.; Zahidi, K.: Topology of diophantine sets: remarks on Mazur's conjectures. In: Hilbert's Tenth Problem: Relations with arithmetic and algebraic geometry, Contemporary Mathematics 270, pp. 253 - 353. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Gangl, H.: Some computations in weight 4 motivic cohomology. In: Regulators in analysis, geometry and number theory. Progress in Mathematics vol. 17, pp. 117 - 125. Birkhäuser, Boston (2000)
Book Chapter
Goncharov, A.: Geometry of the trilogarithm and the motivic Lie algebra of a field. In: Regulators in Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory, pp. 127 - 165. Birkhäuser, Boston (2000)
Book Chapter
González, J.: Arithmetical properties of pk-series associated to p-typical formal group laws and applications. In: Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 12th International Conference, Moscow 2000, pp. 432 - 440. Springer, Berlin (2000)
Book Chapter
Hambleton, I.; Pedersen, E. K.: Compactifying infinite group actions. In: Geometry and Topology, Aarhus 1998, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 258, pp. 203 - 211. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Hambleton, I.; Taylor, L. R.: A guide to the calculation of surgery obstruction groups. In: Surveys on Surgery Theory, Vol. I, pp. 225 - 274. Princeton University Press, Princeton (2000)
Book Chapter
Levin, A.: Polylogarithmic currents on abelian varieties. In: Regulators in Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory, pp. 207 - 229. Birkhäuser, Boston (2000)
Book Chapter
Manin, Y.: Mathematics as profession and vocation. In: Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives, pp. 153 - 159. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Manin, Y.: Rational curves, elliptic curves and the Painlevé equation (in Russian). In: Studencheskie Chteniya MK NM 1, McNMO, pp. 27 - 36 (2000)
Book Chapter
Matsumoto, M.; Nishimura, T.: Dynamic creation of pseudorandom number generators. In: Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, Claremont/CA 1998, pp. 56 - 69. Springer, Berlin (2000)
Book Chapter
Matveev, V. B.: Darboux transformations, covariance theorems and integrable systems. In: L. D. Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, pp. 179 - 209. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Olshanetsky, M. A.: Painlevé type equations and Hitchin systems. In: Integrability: the Seiberg-Witten and Witham Equations, pp. 153 - 174. Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam (2000)
Book Chapter
Pedersen, E. K.: Controlled algebraic K-theory, a survey. In: Geometry and Topology, Aarhus 1998, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 258, pp. 351 - 368. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Rosenberg, A. L.; Kontsevich, M.: Noncommutative smooth spaces. In: The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1996-1999, pp. 85 - 108. Birkhäuser, Boston/MA (2000)
Book Chapter
Tarasov, V.: Completeness of the hypergeometric solutions of the qKZ equation at level zero. In: L. D. Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, pp. 309 - 321. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Vainerman, L.; Nikshych, D.: Algebraic versions of a finite-dimensional quantum groupoid. In: Hopf Algebra and Quantum Groups, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 209, pp. 189 - 200. Dekker, New York (2000)
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