Book Chapter (347)

Book Chapter
Xicoténcatl, M. A.: On orbit configuaration spaces and the rational cohomology of F(RPn,k). In: Une Dégustation Topologique, Arolla 1999, Contemporary Mathematics 265, pp. 233 - 249. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (2000)
Book Chapter
Zagier, D.; Gangl, H.: Classical and elliptic polylogarithms and special values of L-series. In: The Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Cycles, pp. 561 - 615. Kluwer, Dordrecht (2000)
Book Chapter
Zagier, D.: Quelques conséquences surprenantes de la cohomologie de SL(2,Z). In: Leçons de Mathématiques d'aujourd'hui, pp. 99 - 123. Cassini, Paris (2000)
Book Chapter
Zagier, D.: Some surprising congruences of the cohomology of \\textSL2(\\Bbb Z). (Quelques conséquences surprenantes de la cohomologie de \\textSL2(\\Bbb Z).). In: Lectures on today's mathematics, pp. 99 - 123. Paris: Cassini (2000)
Book Chapter
Gajda, W.; Banaszak, G.; Krason, P.: On Galois cohomology of some p-adic representations and étale K-theory of curves. In: Algebraic Geometry, Hirzebruch 70, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 241, pp. 23 - 44. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Galicki, K.; Boyer, C. P.: 3-Sasakian manifolds. In: Surveys in Differential Geometry: Essays on Einstein Manifolds, pp. 123 - 186. International Press, Boston (1999)
Book Chapter
Gangl, H.; Müller-Stach, S.: Polylogarithmic identities in cubical higher Chow groups. In: Algebraic K-Theory, pp. 25 - 40. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Heim, B. E.: Pullbacks of Eisenstein series, Hecke-Jacobi theory and automorphic L-functions. In: Automorphic Forms, Automorphic Representations, and Arithmetic (Fort Worth 1996), Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 66, Vol. 2, pp. 201 - 238. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Hirzebruch, F.: Emmy Noether and topology. In: The heritage of Emmy Noether, pp. 57 - 65. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan (1999)
Book Chapter
Kapranov, M. M.; Saito, M.-H.: Hidden Stasheff polytopes in algebraic K-theory and in the space of Morse functions. In: Higher Homotopy Structures in Topology and Mathematical Physics, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 227, pp. 191 - 225. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Levin, A. M.; Olshanetsky, M. A.: Hierarchies of isomonodromic deformations and Hitchin systems. In: Moscow Seminar in Mathematical Physics, pp. 223 - 262. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
Book Chapter
Müller, W.; Wendland, K.: Extremal metrics and Ray-Singer analytic torsion. In: Geometric Aspects of Partial Differential Equations, Proceedings Roskilde 1998, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 242, pp. 129 - 154. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Nakamura, I.: Hilbert schemes of abelian group orbits. In: New Trends in Algebraic Geometry (Warwick 1996), London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series, Vol. 264, pp. 151 - 233. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1999)
Book Chapter
Orevkov, S. Y.; Kharlamov, V. M.; Shustin, E. I.: Singularity which has no M-smoothing. In: The Arnoldfest, Fields Institute Communications vol. 24, pp. 273 - 309. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
Book Chapter
Polyak, M.: New Whitney-type formulae for plane curves. In: Differential and Symplectic Topology of Curves, pp. 103 - 111. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
Book Chapter
Shapiro, B.: Tree-like curves and their number of inflection points. In: Differential and Symplectic Topology of Curves, pp. 113 - 129. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
Book Chapter
Soibelman, Y.: Meromorphic tensor categories, quantum affine and chiral algebras I. In: Recent Developments in Quantum Affine Algebras and Related Topics, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 248, pp. 437 - 469. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Tanabé, S.: On geometry of fronts in wave propagations. In: Geometry and Topology of Caustics, Banach Center Publications, Vol. 50, pp. 287 - 304. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (1999)
Book Chapter
Teicher, M.: New invariants for surfaces. In: Tel Aviv Topology Conference: Rothenberg Festschrift (1998), Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 231, pp. 271 - 281. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Umehara, M.: A unified approach to the four vertex theorems I. In: Differential and Symplectic Topology of Curves, pp. 185 - 228. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
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