Book Chapter (347)

Book Chapter
Umehara, M.; Thorbergsson, G.: A unified approach to the four vertex theorems II. In: Differential and Symplectic Topology of Curves, pp. 229 - 252. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1999)
Book Chapter
Voronov, A. A.: The Swiss-Cheese operad. In: Homotopy invariant algebraic structures, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 239, pp. 365 - 373. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1999)
Book Chapter
Grosse-Brauckmann, K.; Sullivan, J.: Constant mean curvature surfaces with cylindrical ends. In: Mathematical Visualization, pp. 107 - 116. Springer, Berlin (1998)
Book Chapter
Henn, H.-W.: A variant of the proof of the Landweber-Stong conjecture. In: Group Representations, Seattle 1996, pp. 271 - 275. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1998)
Book Chapter
Henn, H.-W.: Unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra and cohomology of groups. In: Group Representations, Seattle 1996, pp. 277 - 300. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1998)
Book Chapter
Kaneko, M.; Zagier, D.: Supersingular j-invariants, hypergeometric series and Atkin's orthogonal polynomials. In: Computational perspectives on number theory. Proceedings of a conference in honor of A. O. L. Atkin, Chicago, IL, USA, September 1995, pp. 97 - 126. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (1998)
Book Chapter
Lando, S. K.: Tutte decomposition for graphs, weighted graphs, and symmetric matrices. In: Topics in Quantum Groups and Finite-Type Invariants, AMS Translation Series vol. 185, pp. 137 - 146. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1998)
Book Chapter
Lin, V. Y.; Zaidenberg, M.: Liouville and Carathéodory coverings in Riemannian and complex geometry. In: Voronezh Winter Mathematical Schools, pp. 111 - 130. American Mathematical Society, Providence/RI (1998)
Book Chapter
Lupton, G.: Variations on a conjecture of Halperin. In: Homotopy and geometry, Warsaw 1997, pp. 115 - 135. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (1998)
Book Chapter
Manin, Y.: Sixth Painlevé equation, universal elliptic curve, and mirror of P2. In: Geometry of Differential Equations, pp. 131 - 151. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1998)
Book Chapter
Manin, Y.: Interrelations between mathematics and physics. In: Séminaires et Congrès, Vol. 3, pp. 158 - 168 (1998)
Book Chapter
Manin, Y.: Truth, rigor and common sense. In: Truth in Mathematics, pp. 147 - 159. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1998)
Book Chapter
Merkulov, S. A.; Schwachhöfer, L.: Twistor solution of the holonomy problem. In: The Geometric Universe, pp. 395 - 402. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1998)
Book Chapter
Neretin, Y.: Boundary values of holomorphic functions and some spectral problems for unitary representations. In: Positivity in Lie Theory: open problems, pp. 221 - 248. de Gruyter, Berlin (1998)
Book Chapter
Neretin, Y.: Hinges and the Study-Semple-Satake-Furstenberg-DeConcini-Procesi-Oshima boundary. In: Kirillov's Seminar on Representation Theory, pp. 165 - 230. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI (1998)
Book Chapter
Neretin, Y. A.: Notes on affine isometric actions of discrete groups. In: Analysis on infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras, Marseille 1997, pp. 274 - 320. World Scientific, River Edge/N. J. (1998)
Book Chapter
Prasad, D.: A brief survey on the theta correspondence. In: Number Theory, Tiruchirapalli 1996, pp. 171 - 193. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1998)
Book Chapter
Rudyak, Y.: The spectra k and kO are not Thom spectra. In: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 63, pp. 475 - 483. AMS, Providence, R. I. (1998)
Book Chapter
Rudyak, Y.: Category weight: new ideas concerning the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. In: Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publications 45, pp. 47 - 61. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa (1998)
Book Chapter
Schechtman, V.; Ginzburg, V.: Screenings and a universal Lie-de Rham cocycle. In: Kirillov's Seminar on Representation Theory, pp. 1 - 34. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1998)
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