Conference Paper (263)

Conference Paper
Buium, A.; Saha, A.: Differential overconvergence. In: Algebraic methods in dynamical systems, pp. 99 - 129. Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems, Będlewo, May 16, 2010 - May 22, 2010. Inst. of Math., Polish Acad. of Sciences, Warszawa (2011)
Conference Paper
Friedrich, R.: A renormalisation group approach to stochastic Lœwner evolutions. In: Combinatorics and physics, pp. 89 - 113. Conference on Combinatorics and Physics, Bonn, March 19, 2007 - March 23, 2007. AMS, Providence, RI (2011)
Conference Paper
Low-dimensional topology and number theory. Report No. 35/2010. Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory, Oberwolfach, August 15, 2010 - January 21, 2010. Oberwolfach reports 7 (3), pp. 2101 - 2163 (2011)
Conference Paper
Kiselev, A. V.; van de Leur, J. W.: Involutive distributions of operator-valued evolutionary vector fields and their affine geometry. In: Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on group analysis of differential equations and integrable systems, pp. 99 - 109. 5th International Workshop on Group Analysis of Differential Equations and Integrable Systems, Protaras, June 06, 2010 - June 10, 2010. University of Cyprus, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Nicosia (2011)
Conference Paper
Makar-Limanov, L.: Locally nilpotent derivations of affine domains. In: Affine algebraic geometry: The Russell Festschrift, pp. 221 - 229. AMS, Providence, RI (2011)
Conference Paper
Manin, Y. I.: Renormalization and computation I: motivation and background. In: Operads 2009, pp. 181 - 222. Operads 2009, 2009-04-20, April 30, 2009. Société Mathématique de France, Paris (2011)
Conference Paper
Spiridonov, V. P.: Elliptic hypergeometric terms. In: Arithmetic and Galois theories of differential equations, pp. 385 - 405. École d'Été Théories Galoisiennes et Arithmétiques des Équations Différentielles, Luminy, September 21, 2009 - September 25, 2009. Soc. Math. de France, Paris (2011)
Conference Paper
Suijlekom, W. D. v.: Combinatorics and Feynman graphs for gauge theories. In: Combinatorics and physics, pp. 417 - 442. Conference on Combinatorics and Physics, Bonn, March 19, 2007 - March 23, 2007. AMS, Providence, RI (2011)
Conference Paper
Brinkmann, P.: Dynamics of free group automorphisms. In: Combinatorical and geometric group theory, pp. 19 - 53. Conference on Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory with Applications, Ottawa, ON August 27–31, 2007, August 27, 2007 - August 31, 2007. Birkhäuser, Basel [et al.] (2010)
Conference Paper
Davydov, A.: Twisted automorphisms of group algebras. In: Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics, pp. 131 - 150. Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics, Brussels, Belgium, July 22, 2008 - July 26, 2008. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussels (2010)
Conference Paper
Davydov, A.: Twisted automorphisms of Hopf algebras. In: Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics, pp. 103 - 130. Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics, Brussels, Belgium, July 22, 2008 - July 26, 2008. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussels (2010)
Conference Paper
Dinh, T.-C.; Sibony, N.: Exponential mixing for automorphisms on compact Kaehler manifolds. In: Dynamical numbers, pp. 107 - 114. Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Bonn, May 01, 2009 - July 31, 2009. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Grigoriev, D.; Schwarz, F.: Non-holonomic ideals in the plane and absolute factoring. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, pp. 93 - 97. ISSAC '10 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Munich, July 25, 2010 - July 28, 2010. ACM, New York (2010)
Conference Paper
Guo, L.; Paycha, S.; Xie, B.; Zhang, B.: Double shuffle relations and renormalization of multiple zeta values. In: The geometry of algebraic cycles, pp. 145 - 187. Conference on Algebraic Cycles, Columbus, Ohio, March 25, 2008 - March 29, 2008. AMS et al., Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Harder, G.: Arithmetic aspects of rank one Eisenstein cohomology. In: Cycles, Motives and Shimura varieties, pp. 131 - 190. International Colloquium on Cycles, Motives and Shimura Varieties, Mumbai, January 03, 2008 - January 12, 2008. Narosa Publ. House, New Delhi [et al] (2010)
Conference Paper
Kapovich, I.; Nagnibeda, T.: Geometric entropy of geodesic currents on free groups. In: Dynamical numbers, pp. 149 - 175. Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Bonn, May 01, 2009 - July 31, 2009. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Kato, T.: Pattern formation from projectively dynamical systems and iterations by families of maps. In: Probabilistic approach to geometry, pp. 243 - 262. Conference of the Seasonal Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Kyoto, July 28, 2008 - August 08, 2008. Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo (2010)
Conference Paper
Kůrka, P.: Expansion of rational numbers in Möbius number systems. In: Dynamical numbers, pp. 67 - 82. Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Bonn, May 01, 2009 - July 31, 2009. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Lax, P. D.; Hirzebruch, F.; Mazur, B.; Conlon, L.; Curtis, E. B.; Edwards, H. M.; Huebschmann, J.; Schulman, H.: Raoul Bott as we knew him. In: A celebration of the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott, pp. 43 - 49. A celebration of the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott, Montreal, Canada, June 09, 2008 - June 13, 2008. American Mathematical Society and Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Boston, MA, USA (2010)
Conference Paper
Lind, D.; Schmidt, K.; Verbitskiy, E.: Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic Z d-actions. In: Dynamical numbers, pp. 195 - 211. Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Bonn, May 01, 2009 - July 31, 2009. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
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