Conference Paper (263)

Conference Paper
Manin, Y. I.: Infinities in quantum field theory and in classical computing: renormalization program. In: Programs, proofs, processes, pp. 307 - 316. 6th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2010), Ponta Delgada, Portugal, June 30, 2010 - July 04, 2010. Springer, Berlin et al. (2010)
Conference Paper
Manin, Y. I.: Cyclotomy and analytic geometry over F₁. In: Quanta of maths, pp. 385 - 408. Conference on Non Commutative Geometry, Paris, March 29, 2007 - April 06, 2007. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Manin, Y. I.: Truth as value and duty: lessons of mathematics. In: Truth in Science, the Humanities and Religion, pp. 37 - 45. Balzan Symposium, Lugano, May 16, 2008 - May 17, 2008. Springer, Heidelberg [et al] (2010)
Conference Paper
Marcolli, M.: Motivic renormalization and singularities. In: Quanta of maths, pp. 409 - 458. Conference on Non Commutative Geometry, Paris, March 29, 2007 - April 06, 2007. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Marklof, J.: Horospheres and Farey fractions. In: Dynamical numbers, pp. 97 - 106. Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Bonn, May 01, 2009 - July 31, 2009. AMS, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Zagier, D.: Quantum modular forms. In: Quanta of maths, pp. 659 - 675 (Ed. Blanchard, E.). Conference in honour of Alain Connes’s 60th Birthday at IHÉS (March 29-30, 2007) and Institut Henri Poincaré (April 2-7, 2007), Paris, March 29, 2007 - April 07, 2007. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI (2010)
Conference Paper
Explicit methods in number theory. Report No. 33/2009. Explicit Methods in Number Theory, Oberwolfach, July 12, 2009 - July 18, 2009. Oberwolfach Reports 6 (3), pp. 1843 - 1920 (2009)
Conference Paper
de Gosson, M.: Phase-space Weyl calculus and global hypoellipticity of a class of degenerate elliptic partial differential operators. In: New developments in pseudo-differential operators, pp. 1 - 14. Sixth Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC), the ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO), Ankara, August 13, 2007 - August 18, 2007. Birkhäuser, Basel [et al.] (2009)
Conference Paper
Eyral, C.; Oka, M.: A proof of a conjecture of Degtyarev on non-torus plane sextics. In: Singularities, Niigata-Toyama 2007. Proceedings of the 4th Franco-Japanese symposium, pp. 109 - 131. Singularities, Niigata-Toyama, Japan, August 27, 2007 - August 31, 2007. Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo (2009)
Conference Paper
Karpenko, N. A.: On isotropy of quadratic pair. In: Quadratic forms - algebra, arithmetic, and geometry, pp. 211 - 218. International Conference on the Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Frutillar, Chile, December 13, 2007 - December 19, 2007. AMS, Providence (2009)
Conference Paper
Kaufmann, R. M.: Dimension vs. genus: a surface realization of the little k-cubes and an E_∞ operad. In: Algebraic topology - old and new: M. M. Postnikov Memorial Conference, pp. 241 - 274. Algebraic topology: old and new, Będlewo [Poland], June 18, 2007 - June 24, 2007. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa (2009)
Conference Paper
Krötz, B.: Crown theory for the upper half plane. In: Automorphic forms and L-functions I. Global aspects, pp. 147 - 182. Workshop on Automorphic Forms and L-Functions, Rehovot and Tel Aviv, May 15, 2006 - May 19, 2006. AMS ; Bar-Ilan University, Providence ; Ramat Gan (2009)
Conference Paper
Manin, Y. I.: Lectures on modular symbols. In: Arithmetic Geometry, pp. 137 - 152. Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School Arithmetic Geometry, Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany, July 17, 2006 - August 11, 2006. AMS, Providence (2009)
Conference Paper
Minabe, S.: Flop invariance of the topological vertex. In: Noncommutativity and singularities, pp. 269 - 279. French-Japanese Symposia on Noncommutativity and Singularities, IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France, 2006-11. Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo (2009)
Conference Paper
Putzka, J.; Loebenberger, D.: Optimization strategies for hardware-based cofactorization. In: Selected areas in cryptography, 16th annual international workshop, SAC 2009, pp. 170 - 181. Selected areas in cryptography, 16th annual international workshop, SAC 2009, Calgary [Alberta, Canada], August 13, 2009 - August 14, 2009. Springer, Berlin (2009)
Conference Paper
Bruinier, J. H.; Kohnen, W.: Sign changes of coefficients of half integral weight modular forms. In: Modular forms on Schiermonnikoog, pp. 57 - 65. Conference on Modular Forms, Schiermonnikoog, October 08, 2006 - October 13, 2006. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2008)
Conference Paper
Budney, R.: A family of embedding spaces. In: Groups, homotopy and configuration spaces, pp. 41 - 83. Conference on Groups, Homotopy and configuration spaces, Tokyo, July 05, 2005 - July 11, 2005. Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, CA (2008)
Conference Paper
Burghelea, D.; Haller, S.: Torsion, as a function on the space of representations. In: C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory II, pp. 41 - 66 (Ed. Burghelea, D.). C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory II, Będlewo, January 23, 2006 - January 28, 2006. Birkhäuser, Basel (2008)
Conference Paper
Fel'shtyn, A.; Indukaev, F.; Troitsky, E.: Twisted Burnside theorem for two-step torsion-free nilpotent groups. In: C*-algebras and elliptic theory II, pp. 87 - 101. C*-algebras and elliptic theory II, Będlewo, 2006-01. Birkhäuser, Basel [et al.] (2008)
Conference Paper
Heim, B. E.: A strong symmetry property of Eisenstein series. In: Modular forms on Schiermonnikoog, pp. 93 - 106. Conference on Modular Forms, Schiermonnikoog, October 08, 2006 - October 13, 2006. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2008)
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