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George, G.; Stevens, B.; Bony , S.; Vogel, R.; Naumann, A. K.: Widespread shallow mesoscale circulations observed in the trades. Nature Geoscience 16, pp. 584 - 589 (2023)
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Winkler, K.; Yang, H.; Ganzenmüller, R.; Fuchs, R.; Ceccherini, G.; Duveiller, G.; Grassi, G.; Pongratz, J.; Bastos, A.; Shvidenko, A. et al.; Araza, A.; Herold, M.; Wigneron, J.-P.; Ciais, P.: Changes in land use and management led to a decline in Eastern Europe’s terrestrial carbon sink. Communications Earth and Environment 4, 237 (2023)
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Nath, S.; Gudmundsson, L.; Schwaab, J.; Duveiller, G.; De Hertog, S. J.; Guo, S.; Havermann, F.; Luo, F.; Manola, I.; Pongratz, J. et al.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Schleussner, C. F.; Thiery, W.; Lejeune, Q.: TIMBER v0.1: a conceptual framework for emulating temperature responses to tree cover change. Geoscientific Model Development 16, pp. 4283 - 4313 (2023)
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Xiang, B.; Xie, S.-P.; Kang, S. M.; Kramer, R.J.: An emerging Asian aerosol dipole pattern reshapes the Asian summer monsoon and exacerbates northern hemisphere warming. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 77 (2023)
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Lang, T.; Naumann, A. K.; Buehler, S. A.; Stevens, B.; Schmidt, H.; Aemisegger, F.: Sources of uncertainty in mid-tropospheric tropical humidity in global storm-resolving simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15, e2022MS003443 (2023)
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De Hertog, S.J.; Havermann, F.; Vanderkelen, I.; Guo, S.; Luo, F.; Manola, I.; Coumou, D.; Davin, E.L.; Duveiller, G.; Lejeune, Q. et al.; Pongratz, J.; Schleussner, C.-F.; Seneviratne, S.I.; Thiery, W.: The biogeophysical effects of idealized land cover and land management changes in Earth system models. Earth System Dynamics 14, pp. 629 - 667 (2023)
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Orlov, A.; Aunan, K.; Mistry, M. N.; Lejeune, Q.; Pongratz, J.; Thiery, W.; Gasparrini, A.; Reed, E. U.; Schleussner, C.-F.: Neglected implications of land-use and land-cover changes on the climate-health nexus. Environmental Research Letters 18, 061005 (2023)
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Albright, A. L.; Stevens, B.; Bony, S.; Vogel, R.: A new conceptual picture of the trade wind transition layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, pp. 1547 - 1563 (2023)
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Pohlmann, H.; Brune, S.; Fröhlich, K.; Jungclaus, J. H.; Sgoff, C.; Baehr, J.: Impact of ocean data assimilation on climate predictions with ICON-ESM. Climate Dynamics 61, pp. 357 - 373 (2023)
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Schmidt, L.; Hohenegger, C.: Constraints on the ratio between tropical land and ocean precipitation derived from a conceptual water balance model. Journal of Hydrometeorology 24, pp. 1103 - 1117 (2023)
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Sun, X.; Ge, F.; Chen, Q.; Fraedrich, K. F.; Li, X.: How striking Is the intergenerational difference in exposure to compound heatwaves over Southeast Asia? Earth's Future 11, e2022EF003179 (2023)
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