Thesis - PhD (392)

Thesis - PhD
Petrik, R.: Physical validation and bracket-based dynamical cores for mesoscale NWP models. Dissertation, 161 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Preuschmann, S.: Regional surface albedo characteristics - analysis of albedo data and application to land-cover changes for a regional climate model. Dissertation, 160 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Seethala, C.: Evaluating the state-of-the-art of and errors in 1D satellite cloud liquid water path retrievals with large eddy simulations and realistic radiative transfer models. Dissertation, 160 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Sudarchikova, N.: Modeling of mineral dust in the Southern Hemisphere with focus on Antarctica for interglacial and glacial climate conditions. Dissertation, 145 S pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Tietsche, S.: Initialization and predictability of Arctic sea ice in a global climate model. Dissertation, 107 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Winkelmann, R.: The future sea-level contribution from Antarctica: Projections of solid ice discharge (Kumulative Dissertation). Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam (2012)
Thesis - PhD
Adloff, F.: Early Holocene Eastern Mediterranean ocean climate and the stability of its overturning circulation. Dissertation, 146 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Badawy, B. A. A. M.: Quantifying carbon processes of the terrestrial biosphere in a global atmospheric inversion based on atmospheric mixing ratio, remote sensing and meteorological data. Dissertation, Universität Jena, Jena (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Behringer, T.: Earth system dynamics in the Anthropocene: Modelling key processes of climate-human interactions in the terrestrial biosphere. Dissertation, Humbold-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Calzadilla Rivera, A.: Water, agriculture and climate change: A global computable general equilibrium analysis. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Dallmeyer, A.: Holocene climate and vegetation change in the Asian monsoon region. Dissertation, 163 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Elizalde, A.: The water cycle in the Mediterranean Region and the impacts of climate change. Dissertation, 117 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Fader, M.: Flows of virtual land and water through global trade of agricultural products. Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Fischer, N.: Holocene and Eemian climate variability. Dissertation, 106 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Haensler, A.: Impact of climate change on the coastal climate of South-Western Africa. Dissertation, 136 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Jantke, K.: Systematic conservation planning in Europe – the case of wetland biodiversity. Dissertation, 128 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Kieser, J.: The influence of precipitating solar and magnetospheric energetic charged particles on the entire atmosphere Simulations with HAMMONIA. Dissertation, 133 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Klocke, D.: Assessing the uncertainty in climate sensitivity. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Lorenz, P.: Einfluss der Zwei-Wege Nestung auf die Ergebnisse globaler regionaler Klimasimulationen. Dissertation, 119 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Melchionna, S.: Retrieval of microphysical cloud properties: a novel algorithm for decomposing cloud radar spectra. Dissertation, 126 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
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