Thesis - PhD (392)

Thesis - PhD
Miller, L.: Limits and consequences of the large-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Nam, C.: Using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite retrievals to evaluate low-level cloud parameterizations in ECHAM5 for cloud-climate feedback implications. Dissertation, 112 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Parida, B.: The influence of plant nitrogen availability on the global carbon cycle and N2O emissions. Dissertation, 143 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Peters, K.: Ship emission influence on clouds in satellite and model data. Dissertation, 116 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Rauser, F.: Error estimation in geophysical fluid dynamics through learning. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Riemann-Campe, K.: Can convective precipitation variability be deduced from the variability in CAPE and CIN? An analysis of global CAPE and CIN variability in present and future climates. Dissertation, 152 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Saeed, F.: Impact of irrigation on South Asian monsoon climate. Dissertation, 70 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Saeed, S.: Relative contribution of the mid-latitude circumglobal wave train to the South Asian summer monsoon. Dissertation, 103 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Sauer, T.: Irrigation and global change: new applications for integrated global land use modeling. Dissertation, 110 S. + A100 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Stacke, T.: Development of a dynamical wetlands hydrology scheme and its application under different climate conditions. Dissertation, 143 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Vamborg, F.: Vegetation - albedo - precipitation interactions in North Africa during the Holocene. Dissertation, 106 S pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Weber, T.: Impact of inhomogeneities on non-linear cloud processes. Dissertation, 73 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2011)
Thesis - PhD
Buelow, K.: Zeitreihenanalyse von regionalen Temperatur- und Niederschlagssimulationen in Deutschland. Dissertation, Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Chidichimo, M. P.: Eastern-boundary baroclinic variability and the meridional overturning circulation at 26.5°N. Dissertation, 92 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Gehlot, S.: Feedbacks between convection and climate: Analysis with global modeling and satellite observations. Dissertation, 108 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Hernández Deckers, D.: Warming up the atmosphere’s heat engine: atmospheric energetics with higher greenhouse gas concentrations. Dissertation, 121 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Koldunov, N. V.: Variability of Arctic sea ice. Dissertation, XIV, 121 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Lapola, D. M.: Modeling the interplay between land use, bioenergy production and climate change. Dissertation, Universität Kassel, Kassel (2010)
Thesis - PhD
O'Donnell, D.: Towards the assessment of the climate effects of secondary organic aerosols. Dissertation, Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Otto, J.: Interactions between climate and vegetation at high northern latitudes during the mid-Holocene. Dissertation, 73 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
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